16bit Windows Sybsystem Err Please Help!


Mar 22, 2003
When I try to run certain setup programs (so far Chess PocketPC installer and PocketPC 2002 vb thing has given me problems) I get the error

16 bit Windows Subsystem
C:\Windows\System32\Autoexec.nt. The system file is not suitable for running MS-Dos and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.


Any ideas on how to fix this?
thank you!

:( Feeling kinda stupid right now... I did a search for the referenced file autoexec.nt and it did not exist, copied the file from my other computer and it works now... >.< :rolleyes:
Run a spyware scan before attempting to repair it. Several different kinds of spyware can lead to this problem.
Guys, he already fixed it.

I was just going ot mention that you were probably missing the file anyway. Happened to me once when I accidently deleted my command.com file and thought it was spyware. :p