160mm Fan


Jul 31, 2004
Ok guys and gals in Hardforum land, I've scoured Google and Yahoo high and low but still haven't found what I'm looking for.

I want a single 160mm fan. The case I have now has (4) 80mm fans in the front for intake. This can get noisy and isn't really too fun wiring wise. I'm looking for the 160mm to replace all four of them. If anyone knows of a place I can purchase one, PM me or email me. My email's in my profile.
Ya, wow, overkill. How about just get a 120mm instead and dont pay a premium for a 160mm .....if on even exists.
I may be wrong, but I'd think that 4 80mm fans can push more air than one 160mm fan, seeing as they probably move at around the same speed, there will be more total fins in the 4 fans, and the space to suck air in is probably restricted anyway.

Run the wires on the inside of your bezel, i between the metal chassis and the bezel itself, then hook them up to a fan controller. If you think it is getting too noisy, slow them down or shut them off.

But whatever floats your horn.
Normally I would but I'd rather not have to drill new holls to mount a fan. Unfortunatly it's not really a viable option, the fan grills are stamped out for 80mm fans in a 2X2 configuration. There isn't enough metal to drill new holes.
The 160mm fan is unnecessary. It'll be as noisy as those fans put together. Lower the voltage on the 4-80mm fans to 7v and call it good. ...........you wont be finding a 160mm fan any time soon.
Build a shroud that will adapt the 160 to a 120 setup?

I've got couple 160mm fans at work, but they only run on AC. They're steel finned, and I'm here to tell they'll take of a finger to the first knuckle without a problem. I'm sure they move more air than 4 80mm fans, but they're louder than 4-5 7000 RPM 60mm fans.
A 160mm fan? That has to be almost as thick as the case! A 120mm fan is more than half the thickness of my case. It would be interesting if you could fit in but I'm not sure where you would find a cool looking fan guard for it if you want one. Its hard enough finding fan guard for a 120mm fan.

As for drilling, I'm sure you could make an adapter that would fit into the existing fan holes if you really wanted. If needed, you should be able to slightly expand a few of the fan holes to make them large enough to fit a screw through. In most cases they are almost large enough to fit a screw throug anyway. You could make something that screws into the top hole of the fan and have the other end connect to the case to hold it. If your good at metal work you can bend some scap metal peices to do this. Then drill a few holes in them so you can connect the fan and the case. But this is only if your good with metal. Metal is pretty tough to cut and this would requore some acurate cutting and measurements.

Maybe you shoud look into water cooling if you want to spend some money. Fans really don't do that much if you have a lot of wires in the way. If you put your hand inside your case when its running you should be able to quickly tell which places are the hotest. Try adding a fan around here. If the outside of your case is fairly hot near the cpu you might consider a better heatsink and fan.

Are you using the fan conectors on your motherboard? On the motherboard I have they are all over the place but you might not have as many.
I'm using a Vantec Baybus for the four up front. My Asus only has two extra headers that are being used for the northbridge add-on fan and the Power supply fan header. Even at "medium" they're still noisier than hell and don't move that much air really.

From the looks of things, my best bet is going to be to open up the grills more on the front of the case, replace the fans with better quality fans and live with it. Ah well, I tried.

Thanks for all the suggestions and input.
I agree about the overkill on a 160. a couple decent 120's would do the job VERY well.

however, if you're still looking, I think Comair has one of their Rotron series that is either 160mm or 170mm. Moves a shitload of air too but has the noise to go with it.
ehh, i was looking for something bigger than a 120mm for my heatercore, but after looking at those dBa, i think ill just make a nice shroud...
Comair rotron 172mm fans. I have a 24V running at 12V, nice and quiet with a great amount of airflow and ability to handle some backpressure.
A 160mm fan won't be pushing much more air at much less noise than quad 80mm's... There is no way to avoid the fact that noise will always increase with an increase of airflow.

Honestly, if four 80mm intake fans is too much noise for you AND not enough flow for you - its not your PC that's the problem. 4 80mm Panaflo L1A's @~9v should be virtually inaudible, yet still provide a max airflow of 78cfm. If they were M1A's @~9v, 96cfm should be more than enough for any case. If your 80mm fans spin at a higher RPM@12v than an M1A does @12v, get slower fans...
With the multiple fans you get into the area of constructive or destructive interference of the fan noise. Backpressure, which the common case fans are not designed to handle also comes into play.
I don't think 160mm exists. Oddball size. Google has 150 and 172 sizes though.

FrozenCPU has a 172 x 150 fan that blows an incredible 260CFM! Might fit with some modding. 55 decibles though, might piss off the neighbors.

PolarFlow has the same thing. Better diagram with sizing info though.