1440x900, What a weird res. How much performance differnce between that and 12x10...?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 15, 2005
I am looking at the viewsonic 1912, 19" Widescreen Monitor. The res, is 1440x900, how much of a performance difference will there be between that rez, and 12x10. Also, do alot of games support that. HL2, CS:S, and Far Cry.
Yeah, I saw one of those in Costco tonight but couldn't tell about image quality because they had all the LCD's hooked up to one computer or something and set at something dumb like 800x600 so they were all stretched. :rolleyes: Why can't LCD manufacturers just make some standard sizes? You'd think that would drive the price down as well...
Just multiply the res.

1440x900 = 1.296MP
1280x1024= ~1.31MP

So a 1440x res is SLIGHTLY less taxing on the video card.