12 Gmail Invites

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Ohhh heck if ya get one I would love it.. I will edit this if I do get one.

grimlakin at yahoo blackdotthingy com
I want an invite... :(...I must be the only one in the world who hasn't even been invited...everytime I see someone post "Free invites here" I'm always too late... :confused:
Ya if anyone sees this and has an invite send one to me at

hardforums at jabonline.net
ok guys i think the ppl that got invites should invite the next ppl in line genmay is doing a similar setup they have a huge list of ppl and as more get invited they share their invites with next in line, you think we can set something like that up?
isnt this kinda wat your talkin about? people just goin down the line and hookin others up? but i guess a sticky with a little more organization would be nice :p
how did someone get 12....i have been refreshing away for at least 20 min...

well, i was trying really hard... my eyes hurt.

if someome has one for me, that would be cool.

bn589 - yahoo

-ok, seriously...i'm done. spent hours on this... lol.

Can someone please hook me up.
how soon do the invites come after an account has been opened?
thanks for every1 who is hooking us up on the forum. Still didnt get my invite though hopefully some1 else will invite me lol. Ill be ont he look out for invites too so I can hook u guys up as well.. I love this forum!
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