100 Reasons You'll Be Speechless... or won't stop laughing


Aug 4, 2006

I just found that, never seen it before, and I gotta admit: Microsoft has some really smart people (read: spinners) hard at work.

And I'm using Vista, plan to continue using it, am one of the rare people that really has no issues with it, has 100% hardware support for it, knows a lot about it, etc...

But it's hilarious just the same.

LET THE RANTING AND OFF-TOPIC COMMENTS COMMENCE!!! (at least till a Mod says "Ok, enough...") ;)
My one reason for liking it is just DX10. I am addicted to shiny new over hyped video games.
what's with #44, I haven't heard about that until now. It''s probably not very good for flash memory to be used as RAM :confused:

flash memory as ram, lOL... maybe it just puts the swap file on the memory stick?
Well you're both way off track with the idea that a USB Flash-RAM based device would be used as system RAM but I'm not gonna turn this into a ReadyBoost FAQ.

"Move along people... nothing to see here... move along..."
IS it me or are they just repeating themselves? I only saw about 15 things thats significant. Outside of that it seems like they are talking to someone who are upgrading from windows 95/98. Or are first time pc buyers.
Of course but anyway how you turn it; even if you have lots of CPU and RAM, it will take quite a big leap of that (without evn mentioning the free HD space that according to spewcialists should be around 40Gb for a top working Vista), CPU and RAM you can't use for anything else like games etc...I'll stay with my XP for many years to come.
Oh, but did you know you can watch TV on your computer? It has Media Center! :D
I like number 7. Vista actually freezes time!

"7. Because you can freeze time
Organize a lifetime of photos and home movies with ease using Windows Photo Gallery. Tag your photos by date, keyword, star rating, or any identifying label you choose—so you can find them when you want them."

Wow! I can tag my files with identifiable information so I can find them later?!?!?! OMFG:p

(P.S. I also own Vista Ultimate 64 bit edition and I love it! But this one was too funny.)
Heres the thing I do not get. Alot of the same features repeat themselves and in the 100 reasons it makes it seem so simple until you get the actual product and then the average consumer is thinking, "what the hell how do I do what it said in that 100 reasons"

Vista is more user friendly, but hell I want an OS that is pretty much complete automation and much interaction with very little digging. I think Vista can be that possibility.