10 Most Violent Video Games of 2004


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
According to the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility...here is their Top 10 list of Most Violent Video Games for 2004...


1. Doom 3
2. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
3. Gunslinger Girls 2
4. Half Life 2
5. Halo 2
6. Hitman: Blood Money
7. Manhunt
8. Mortal Kombat
9. Postal 2
10. Shadow Heart


1. Antigrav
2. EyeToy:Antigrav
3. Jak 3
4. Karaoke Revlution Vol. 3
5. Madden NFL 2005
6. Mario Power Tennis
7. Prince of Persia
8. RollerCoaster Tycoon 3
9. SimCity 4

yeah lets all play some "Mario Power Tennis" over Doom 3 lol

full article
Eh This news is kinda old but. We all hear it every uear nothing ever changes. Noone wants to take respionsibility for their kids these days.

Sadly most Americans feel the Govt. has to hold there hands throughout life. Heaven forbid we have to actually take responsibility for our kids or our selves.

1. Doom 3 - This is #1 on a lot of lists. Even up for a few GOTY awards.
2. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Has anyone of these not been on a list?
3. Gunslinger Girls 2 - What game is this. I did a search and it's an imort game from Japan that's not even speculated for release here. Ok they got me I wont buy this.4. Half Life 2 - This Doom 3 and Far cry are the must have games so far this year.
5. Halo 2 - Yeah didnt like Halo 1 that much either. As FPS's go the consoler's can keep it.
6. Hitman: Blood Money - Is this even out yet???? I need to know.7. Manhunt - I heard it sucked so yeah I wont buy this either.
8. Mortal Kombat - Has anyone of these not been on a list?
9. Postal 2 - Another crap game.
10. Shadow Heart - One of the few on this list I'd actually buy,


1. Antigrav
2. EyeToy:Antigrav - What is an eye toy?
3. Jak 3 - Doesn't Jak run around killing stuff without blood sprays though. Hows this different?
4. Karaoke Revlution Vol. 3 - HUH???
5. Madden NFL 2005 - I would play this over Doom 3 any day
6. Mario Power Tennis - Doesn't look too bad. Might be fun on multiplayer
7. Prince of Persia - Do these people even play or look at the game. This one is kinda violent too.
8. RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 - I missed picking up park guests and dropping them into the water to watch them drown. Also making em puke after getting off a coaster was fun.
9. SimCity 4 - Lost intrest in this series around Sim City 2000
the prince of persia is a reference to a demonic entity in the Bible ..and Prince of Persia SOT is kind of violent game ...odd it would make it on their non-violent rohster
They need a wake-up call. This is the perfect example of how these critics know little to nothing about what they're judging.

Prince of Persia and Jak III are both violent games.
The people that make these lists admit that they don't actually play these games. Who knows what they base the decisions on, because it sure as shit isn't any quantitative measurable data.

The most violent games ever aren't even on the list. They mean the Top Ten Most Violent Games Kids Are Going To Want For Christmas.

Yesterday's Penny-Arcade made fun of this list. It was pretty funny. The fact that one of the games isn't available in the US and another one won't be released until next year almost made me piss myself laughing. Another thing that amuses me is that it's the "Interfaith council" but I'd lay money there aren't any Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Druids, Wiccans, or other assorted Pagans on that council. Ok, Buddhism isn't a faith, but you get the idea.

People need to stop thinking that video games are for kids. Kids don't have any money, thus they are a worthless marketing demographic. Games are geared toward people that have money, namely ADULTS. ADULTS WITH JOBS....or who spend welfare checks on GTA.
by mortal kombat, do they mean the original "Mortal Kombat" made in 1993 or whenever? they're specific as to which release of multi-release titles like GTA and Halo?

why didn't MGS3 make the list? grabbing a gun from behind, cutting their throats, and watching the blood spew from their arteries is so much more awesome ...i mean violent... then shooting little alien things so blue goo appears on the ground.

edit- lol, still pulling the doom 1 bullsh¡t i see. yes, anyone sees doom 1 for the first time instantly think "oh my god, a killing simulator!" yes, those sprites (humans and blood, same things just different colors) really bring up the killer in all of us. :eek:

what's really violent are these "Violent Games Lists." just reading them makes me want to smack the person who wrote it.
As usual, violent video games... big whoop. When this country stops bombing the shit outta people, i'll start considering less violent alternatives to my gaming experience. (And probably decide against it then, too. :D )
Did you guys fail to realize that football is one the worlds most violent sports, besides the likes of hockey. This game is no less violent than jak III or Prince of Persia.
People are stupid... just a bunch of old fuddy duddies... blaming shit on video games, movies, and music.. as usuall....

maybe we need to look inside...

I just fnished playing some D3.. i'm gonna go shoot up the neighborhood..
The imp told me too
Those lists dont me crap... :rolleyes: And yes football, and hockey do belong on the violent
game list if they really want to make any real point..

Reasons: twenty-two 250-400lbs+ men pounding the hell out of each other over a piece of pigskin for 60 minutes...

twelve 200-240lbs+ men pounding & smacking the hell out of each other over a piece of frozen hard rubber for 90 minutes...

IMHO I believe that writers behind this report play all these games, even the ones they say
are bad for everyone, especially children... " Hypicrits "
This reminds me of that hella stupid zellot christian "game reviewer" that managed to play all the way through Doom 3, just so the rest of us don't have to. :rolleyes:

It's a hilarious review in case you missed it the first time it was posted on here. The responses posted after it are even funnier.
I love these lists. Sometimes, I don't notice a really violent video game, but with these lists, they tell me which games are good. Basically, I can print out the "Most Violent Games" section, write "Christmas List" at the top, and hand it to my parents. A real timesaver! ;)

Seriously, these games are meant to be played by mature adults. If you are a mature adult, you don't need someone else telling you what to play. If you're the parent of a young child, take the time to look at the rating (and possibly even rent the M-rated titles to check) before exposing them to content they're not ready for. Yes, being a parent is a lot of work, but if you don't want to make the effort, then please stop fucking.
You know what's funny. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within is much darker than its predecessor, and it even has a Mature rating. Here they are promoting it because they don't take the time to even spell out the entire name of the game they recommend (which would be Sands of Time). It's really obvious that the people making this list don't even attempt to play these games.
S1nF1xx said:
This reminds me of that hella stupid zellot christian "game reviewer" that managed to play all the way through Doom 3, just so the rest of us don't have to. :rolleyes:

It's a hilarious review in case you missed it the first time it was posted on here. The responses posted after it are even funnier.
Oh man that is great. However, there are some actual insightful christians posting there which is good to see. This, however, is not one of them, but it made me laugh:
Okay, here's my two cents worth.

First of all, if y'all aren't Christians, what are you doing here? Why are you critiquing a Christian for his work, if you're not even a Christian?


If you don't think media (including video games) can have an effect on people, you must be completely and utterly secluded from civilization. I mean, Finding Nemo for example. Hundreds of people flushed their clown fishes down the toilet because of it. Because of the Matrix some 19 year old killed his parents with a weapon similar to the ones in the Matrix. The list goes on.

I think you did a great job, Dan Harrison, and please keep reviewing!

<>< -Godsbaby
...being a Christian,
(follower of Christ. I believe that the Bible is the holy inspired word of God. .. and also believe that religion has fallen far from what it was intended to be and has now become a "tainted" derogatory(sp?) type word to many.. )

..I can respect perhaps the original intent of this "committee" to inform unknowing parents of the content of what their children might be asking for as a present or whatever ..but they seemingly judge the games by their box art rather then actual content which is pretty rediculous.

I have played :
Doom3- yeah , its dark evilish and violent ..as it was intended to be

HL2- oh, boxart has a guy with a crowbar ..its gotta be bad ..you see blood, but the bodies always stay in one piece and I felt it had a good story

Postal2- yeah , this one should be on a list like this , but .. Gary Coleman is evil and needed to pay ....

Prince of Persia:SOT- tho cartoony and a lot of puzzle solving ...you also get to hack and slash on walking dead guys ..the box art makes it look like a disney adventure so its gotta be squeeky clean eh..?

GTA - I've played #3 in the series and thought it was fun ..there were some very adult aspects to the game that "could" be explored should the player chose to do so, but that was a choice left up to the player .. I dont really know about the current offering tho , its probably not to different

I've played Halo 1, Hitman:Contracts ... but not their recent offsprings ,and the older incarnations didnt seem all that bad ..maybe a bit dark , and you get to mow down aliens but ...you see way worse stuff on regular tv (a whole other subject all together)

If your going to put out list' of this nature , you need to put a bit more research into what the heck your talking about and/or play the games yourselves and then come to a verdict as to what you'd recommend or not.

Just goes to show you it's the loud Christian Right Wingers. How the hack is Doom3 more violent or less appropriate than GTA:San Andreas. Oh yeah... because there are satanic symbols. :rolleyes:
I don't care if people publish ratings for games like this, but I do detest when people mislabel their reports. What puts Doom3 at the top of the list? Clearly it has to be the satanic images. Manhunt is by far a more violent game and there is even someone getting off on the violence that you commit in the game. This is not a list of the most violent games. It is the list of games that are most offensive to a devout christian. That should be the label that is on that report. I dont care what someone's opinions are, I simply care about the honesty with which they advertise those opinions. This "report" has some obvious inconsistencies to anyone that knows these games. Can't let a silly thing like honesty get in the way of advocacy, I guess.
Defective said:
I don't care if people publish ratings for games like this, but I do detest when people mislabel their reports. What puts Doom3 at the top of the list? Clearly it has to be the satanic images. Manhunt is by far a more violent game and there is even someone getting off on the violence that you commit in the game. This is not a list of the most violent games. It is the list of games that are most offensive to a devout christian. That should be the label that is on that report. I dont care what someone's opinions are, I simply care about the honesty with which they advertise those opinions. This "report" has some obvious inconsistencies to anyone that knows these games. Can't let a silly thing like honesty get in the way of advocacy, I guess.

I'll tell you what makes me feel violent:

Assholes that think they know better than everyone else on games they haven't played.

I hope the people who fight violent video games see all their dreams go unfulfilled.

Apparently, criticizing movies and music isn't enough for these people.

PS Why didn't Vampire Bloodlines make the list? That game is pretty graphic and has really "mature" themes.
Well said ThreeDee and Defective.

What criteria went into the decesion making? Surely Manhunt, in which the entire point is to perform the most fantasticlly brutal murder you can should top the list. I'd think that group(s) would dig doom3, I mean you're depopulating hell one demon at a time, that's good no?

And I also agree with those that said with most of games today, basiclly leave it up to you how far you explore the dark avenues of murder and mayham. Like in thief 3 and Vampire: masquerade, you can go about completing goals through stealth. That might float some people's boat, but for myself I found that a hollow pursuit and to do violence onto my enemies was a most fulfilling experience. To each their own.

So much ignorance and misinformation these days...
Defective said:
What puts Doom3 at the top of the list?

Actually, the list wasn't in any order of violent content. The games were listed alphabetically.
twyztyr said:
Actually, the list wasn't in any order of violent content. The games were listed alphabetically.

*smacks forehead* You're right. How could I be so oblivious.
wow, they make a top ten list in alphabetic order? so why do they call it a top ten list...
Other holes could be sited, the exclusion of Far Cry is one. The inclusion of Prince of Persia in the "acceptable" list. My initial argument, however, is not quite as strong. Ah well.
Ricedaddy said:
I'll tell you what makes me feel violent:

Assholes that think they know better than everyone else on games they haven't played.

I hope the people who fight violent video games see all their dreams go unfulfilled.

Apparently, criticizing movies and music isn't enough for these people.

PS Why didn't Vampire Bloodlines make the list? That game is pretty graphic and has really "mature" themes.

Have you ever played Postal 2? You get to go after the people against violent video games, along with arab people with turbans and everyone else you choose...
Might be a stress reliever :)
I feel kinda dumb about the alphabetical order bit as well Oh well, MK is on the list though... get over it!!! That shit's old old old. Maybe they mean the whole series but they dont do that everywhere else. WHy not confuse us while trying to make a point no one cares about?
Correct me if im wrong, but are most of those action games not based on SAVING humanity? :rolleyes:

Doom 3 had plenty of satanic symbols yes, but your mission was to abolish evil (Which is every christians desire, right?). Some people just need to mellow out, stop taking things so seriously/literal, sit back and eat an eskimo pie. :p

Edit: Games have a rating for a reason and if more people took a more aggressive approach to them, we would not be in this mess.
I thought Jak3 and Prince of Persia had shooting or violence as well (correct me if wrong) :confused:

Gunslinger Girls 2? I gotta check into that if it's like the anime series.
But then again most of those games are also best sellers making money =)

And those recommended games are mostly crap. Hmmm i think theres SOME correlation here.

Gunslinger Girls im SURE is from the anime - of which i watched a couple eps and decided wasnt worth watching.