10/100 reaching 70% utilization



my 10/100 network is reaching up to 70% utilization between server and clients. this is when streaming or using disk images off server ect.

please note this is with only one client.

when multiple clients access it caps off at 100%

should i bother upgrading all my switches to gigabit?

You could just upgrade the switch that your server connects to, Giving you Gbit speed
from server to switch and then the clients would have 10/100 from that, Should help out. But if you can afford it I'd upgrade the whole network to Gbit because if your pushing that much data it seems like you'd need it.

-Good Luck
wouldn't work as that is not really the core switch, there are only 2 computers connected to that switch. the rest are connected to another switch and the uplink is only 10/100 so that would still be the bottleneck.
upgrade the core to gig and then user ports with gig uplinks for the edge, this is the setup we had, but ive jest redone everything.

all servers have 2 gig into redundant one of 2 pairs core switches, edge switches have 4GB uplinks to their core and a 1GB fail over to other core switch in that pair, 4gb between each core pair and 2gb to each switch in the other pair in a mesh, all client have 1GB access