1,007 Dancing Robots Break World Record In China


Aug 20, 2006
Cool feat. Now imagine that all of these robots were T-800s who all pointed their phase-plasma rifles at you simultaneously.

Last weekend at the Qingdao Beer Festival in Shandong, China, 1,007 robots bopped and shimmied their way to a new world record for the Most robots dancing simultaneously. Each of the 43.8 cm tall dancing machines were controlled from just one mobile phone and they had to dance for a full minute in order to count towards the record total. A few robots were disqualified because they didn’t dance or fell over, but the majority of the mechanical dance troupe completed the 60 second routine in perfect unison.
Yeah, kind of silly and scary at the same time. Well, in a Steve kind of way. ;)
I've watched a lot of people who couldn't dance that well. :p
i was hoping it was refering to workers in FOXCONN dancing like a ROBOT!