$1.,000 - $2,000 School + Gaming

I wanted to see its size to see if it would fit in my existing bag. I also wanted to see if it came with any nice cable management features like Dell power bricks.
I wasn't able to try anything out last night. Hopefully I can get to it tonight. The power brick really isn't much bigger than one from Dell, it's just more boxy. (It's a lot like what Alienware used to use.) I think it came with one rubber band for cable management.
I actually called Sager. They said that you can't use the DVI and HDMI ports at the same time. The laptop can only drive a single external monitor. However you can use the external monitor port as well as the laptop screen at the same time they said.

I do have one other question though. Do the video drivers or BIOS that come with it, allow you to center the image on the screen if you aren't running at native res? I'm thinking about getting the 1920x1200 screen, but I don't want to run games at that resolution that can't get good performance. I'd rather run them at lower res, centered on the screen.
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