
  1. F

    Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order

    The Trailer is out, it's a little late but here you go. This trailer costs $4.99 to watch, but in all seriousness will EA actually deliver or will we get another bomb?
  2. cageymaru

    Jeff Bezos Interview at Wired25 Summit

    Jeff Bezos was interviewed at the Wired25 Summit and the discussion touched on a myriad of subjects. He discussed topics such as his space company called Blue Origin, sending civilians into space, Amazon, Montessori schools, working with the Department of Defense, why new technological...
  3. DooKey

    Star Wars Jedi Challenges Hands-on

    Disney wants you to be immersed in Star Wars this fall as The Last Jedi film comes out in December. And one of the ways it is doing that is with Star Wars: Jedi Challenges, an augmented reality headset that makes you feel like a Jedi. The reviewer tried it out and really likes it. Check out...
  4. FrgMstr

    300 JEDI vs 60.000 FOOTMEN - Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator

    If nothing else, "Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator," sounds pretty damn cool. Don't know about you, but it might help if the footmen attacked from behind. Still fun to watch. The real action starts at 2:25. Check out the video.