
  1. AlphaAtlas

    Upcoming Chromium Update Could Make Ad Blockers Less Effective

    Citing a bug report filed on Tuesday, Motherboard says that an upcoming Chromium update could make Chrome's higher end ad blockers less effective. Apparently, the Chromium team is trying to curb the widespread abuses in Chrome's extension market by implementing some stricter restrictions on what...
  2. AlphaAtlas

    Most Customers Would Stop Watching Netflix if it had Commercials

    Netflix reportedly tested video ads for other series earlier this year, and those tests didn't go well. The company has no public plans to implement video ads anytime soon, and a recent survey conducted by the market research firm Audience Project seems to justify Netflix's reluctance. After...
  3. AlphaAtlas

    YouTube is Showing Twice as Many "Pre-Roll" Ads Now

    According to a report by AdAge, YouTube is showing viewers two ads before videos instead of one. Apparently, the change was prompted by research suggesting that users don't like to be interrupted during videos. So, instead of showing ads spread throughout a video, YouTube will now group "ad...
  4. DooKey

    Google and Mastercard Cut a Secret Ad Deal to Track Retail Sales

    Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water we find out that Mastercard and Google are sneaky little...guys and have made a secret deal to use your retail sales data to better target you for ads on the internet. Yes, you read that correctly. Mastercard sold you out to Google for...
  5. DooKey

    Facebook Adding Ads to the Marketplace

    You have to hand it to Facebook when it comes to finding a way to make money from the poor saps that use their product. They are adding ads to the Marketplace now and you get to check them out while you're shopping for something from your fellow users. Remember they have your info and they're...
  6. DooKey

    Cisco Pulls All Online Ads From YouTube

    According to a blog entry from Cisco (since removed) they are going to pull all of their online ads from YouTube because they might appear on a channel that shows sensitive or extremist content. This makes sense because back in April CNN reported that ads from 300 companies ran on extremist...
  7. DooKey

    Facebook Ads Show Russian Effort to Stoke Political Division

    Members of the House intelligence committee have released over 3,500 Facebook ads from the Russians that were placed to cause political division in the United States. There's a little bit of everything there from general issues to specifics like police brutality or promotion of Trump and...
  8. DooKey

    Twitter Drops the Ban Hammer on Kaspersky Ads

    Twitter is claiming that Kaspersky is "...using a business model that inherently conflicts with acceptable Twitter Ads business practices." and they have banned all Kaspersky ads on Twitter. To back up their statement they have referenced the DHS order to remove all Kaspersky products from...
  9. DooKey

    Google Tricked Again Into Serving Up Scam Amazon Ads

    Those wily scammers have once again tricked Google into serving up a scam Amazon ad. This one showed up at the top of the search list and looked like a normal Amazon ad and once you clicked it you were sent to a page the mimicked Apple or Windows support pages and told you your computer was...
  10. DooKey

    Adobe Launches Programmatic System to Automatically Place Ads

    For a new ad campaign dropping today, Adobe Systems placed all its eggs in the programmatic basket. In doing so, the software giant wants to illustrate its belief that such automated buying processes will soon become the only way to effectively place ads. Sounds interesting, but I wonder how...
  11. DooKey

    Facebook Denies 'listening' to Conversations

    A Facebook executive has denied the social network uses a device's microphone to listen to what users are saying and then send them relevant ads. However, there have been anecdotal accounts of people saying they were recently talking about a particular subject and the next thing they knew...
  12. scojer

    Cheaper phone with ads

    Would you buy a cheaper version of a phone with ads on the lockscreen? I might, if, after they made the difference up from me in ad revenue, the ads go away. However, if they're permanently there, then, no thank you. The Nokia 6 showed up in China in January, but now it's available in the US...