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  1. K

    To buy or to wait???

    You could buy an EVGA 7800GT, and then "step up" to the G71 three months down the road. Thats what I'm thinking about doing.
  2. K

    You can help make longhorn better!

    I'm not sure if it has been mentioned before, but win98 had an option to load drivers off of the CD. It came as a suprise when XP didn't have that option. I'm all for the thumb drive option, or at the very least, the ubiquitous CD-R
  3. K

    Post your "rate my cables" here

    You're welcome. The SATA cables that are in there now are 24" ones. I think most standard sized SATA cables are ~20 inches or so. I figure I'd let you know just in case you want to use the shortest possible length. Also about the tape, I am aware of how tacky it looks. My brother does alot of...
  4. K

    Post your "rate my cables" here

    Actually I had the time. Probably going to be late for work, but here you go. BTW, I tried rotating the harddrives the other way, and the SATA cables and power cables will stick out beyond what the side panel will allow. Of course I may be overlooking something. I am happy with the results that...
  5. K

    Post your "rate my cables" here

    I'll take a pic of the other side after work today. I'll also have to try out the "reversed" hard drive thing. I'm pretty sure it'd work. BTW, My PS is modular too (Antec Neopower 480). Which one do you have?
  6. K

    Post your "rate my cables" here

    Well here is my Rig. The first pic was when I first built it. The 2nd Pic is when I planned the routing of the cables after I established that everything worked properly. Before: After:
  7. K

    week 41 AMD 3200 winnie... anyone have one and how well does it o'clock?

    How about a week 49? I haven't had the time to mess with overclocking it yet let alone setting up the OS...
  8. K

    Dell 2405FWP $849 Shipped (USA)

    I just emailed him asking for a quote. I gave him my phone number within the email, and this is what he responded with. Too bad I work on monday. :(
  9. K

    New DirectX 9 Engine

    Not to mention that regular TV res. is considerably less than the average computer monitor.
  10. K

    Buying A8N-SLI what to do about video

    I don't think that is a PCIe card though. Note that in the pics that there is no expansion port on the top for the SLI bridge chip. :edit: Last image has AGP 8x written on the box. See?
  11. K

    Buying A8N-SLI what to do about video

    I don't think that is a PCIe card though. Also note