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  1. S

    Windows 7 hangs on bootup

    For the first time in years I managed to fry my OS in a way that I can't seem to fix myself. I tried to install a firmware update for my mouse, using the XP compatibility mode (I thought it was a smart idea at that time!). The Update failed, the PC hang and I had to restart. Now the PC...
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    Corrupted Downloads

    Yea dual-channel DDR2. When I put the sticks in by themselfs Memtest86 works fine without errors. Ah sigh, guess I gota see about the guarantee on the Mainboard.
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    Corrupted Downloads

    Alright, sorry for the delay on responding on your suggestions. Memtest86 forced the PC to reboot whem I tried to run it and I was able to figure out that my two 2GB sticks were causing it. I ordered a new pair, hoping to solve the issue, but the problem persists - the PC reboots during...
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    Corrupted Downloads

    Hello everyone, not sure if this is the right forum to ask this, but.. I recently started having issues with files I download. They somehow end up being corrupted. I use Opera for normal browsing/downloading, but I tried downloading the files with IE7, too (direct HTTP download). I...
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    Trouble with DvD-Drive

  6. S

    Trouble with DvD-Drive

    No errors in the device manager. I doubt it's a firmware issue, as the DvD-drive I replaced was a different brand and had the same issues. Is there a registry entry (XP) that manages the spin-down on inactivity?
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    Trouble with DvD-Drive

    My DvD drive won't spin down automatically anymore (if I issue the "stop command with i.e Nero's DriveSpeed it stops). It's not the drive itself causing the trouble, as I already replaced it. Any suggestions what I can do besides a clean reinstall?
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    Windows Server 2003 -> Multiple Users - One Profile

    Is there a way to have multiple user-accounts use the same profile? Preferably by setting group-policies.
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    Issue with AudioCodecs (WinXP)

    I currently have an issue displaying my Audio Codecs, to edit their settings or remove them. I can open the "Properties for AudioCodecs" (or something similiar, using a non-US version) just fine, but I can only view the basic status, which says everything is fine :P As soon as I try to open...
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    Game Physics

    No, the parachute example is not flawed. Instead of a parachute you could as well take an object with exactly the shape of said parachutes+person attached. Please explain how the balloons are different - both are objects with different weight, same shape and form - they fit perfectly into...
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    Game Physics

    <and others> Sorry for brining this up again, but I simply have to respond. All this takes place on this planet, with an atmosphere, right above your house at sunny weather conditions 24°C, no noticable winds, perfect weather to be outside. Imagine having 2 baloons, one is filled with...
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    Problem with Startup Scripts Win2k

    Yes, sorry, I am talking about logon scripts, I guess I got those confused translating. We don't see anything wrong with the active domain settings, however I will take another look tomorrow morning. It would be easier if it would not work at -all- for some Users - but as it is, it works...
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    Problem with Startup Scripts Win2k

    We have a little problem with a startup script that we planed to use in our network (~120 PCs, all Win2k, 1 PDC, 1 BDC (Win2K Servers)) The script is written in Kix and runs fine on most PCs we tested it on - however we have some trouble getting it to run for every user on any PC - it's...