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  1. S

    MSI Neo2 + Errors, HELP!

    what exactlly is trolling im a noob and im new to this forum sorry!
  2. S

    MSI or ASUS for A64

    on another forum im in the MSI is the clear winner and ive heard alotof good things about each mobo. on this forum i see alot of people have trouble with the MSI before today(based on research through out th day) i was already to buy the MSI but today i did some more reading and am dont know...
  3. S

    Problems with Ultra Xconnect PSUs

    I have a X-connect i have not installed it yet. from what ive read in max pc mag and other forums im afraid of it. if i have a clean input(a UPS) will that help it? should i even use it? is it damageing to my pc?
  4. S

    MSI or ASUS for A64

    I am looking for a mobo for my new pc m going to build. I have it down to two: MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum (nforce3 ultra chipset) -or- Asus A8V Deluxe (Via K8T800 pro chipset) Both would be used with: AMD athlon 64 3500+ (90nm, winchester) 1GB (2x512MB) corsair XMS XL (2-2-2-5) ATI...