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  1. K


    I traded up to a 9600gt a while ago with my old computer. But don't expect to play any games higher than 1024X 768. From my memory it doubled my 3D Mark 06 up to >5000 and I was CPU limited with a single core. But an NVIDIA GTS 250 is less than $100 now. 3DMark06 Score +++++++ 14291 3DMarks...
  2. K

    How do I unlock overclocking options in Nvidia control panel?

    For ease of use I vote for EVGA Precision even I can do it so that will tell you how easy it is....
  3. K

    Is there any way to confirm an application is using CUDA?

    If the developer used CUDA you should be able to confirm that fact in the documentation. And here's Nvidia's list
  4. K

    Galaxy - 8 weeks of Free Video Cards @ [H] - Week 8

    I only have an Nvidia 250. I need something higher to drive my new 24' 1920x1080 native! Thanks, katwomansz
  5. K

    NVidia Pure Video Software... what is it exactly..

    Thanks for the link to I'm happy enough with my 6800 GTO I can't even imagine it will do more! The one I got can overclock to 400 MHz/ 1000 MHz memory with no artfacts. But I rarely crank it that high since it slices through most...
  6. K

    6800GT freezing

    Just my 2 cents but for all out gaming I only run the game. I even close my antivirus because I saw sometimes it would trigger while playing. And running 2 applications that access the sound card. I tunes and games. try running just the game without the itunes and see if it ever freezes...
  7. K

    Unlocking 6800 pipelines with RivaTuner

    You have to restart windows for the settings to take effect. The settings you select will show in the window but won't be effective until you RESTART. I've also noticed that if you go into standby or hibernate the settings will be lost and not be effective until you restart windows again...