Search results

  1. H

    How hard is it to reach 4ghz?

    I'm sure i could get a pic of my 3.0 at 4.0 ghz but my prescott ran hot right out of the box :/ It idels at 46 C at Stock and idles at 49 C @ 3.75 got all the way up to 67 C on Prime 95. with a XP-90 :(
  2. H

    Whats A Good Router To Get???

    Thanks for the Quick reply, not many Residentally ISP going 54 Mbit down and 10 mbit up... yet... aye? I guess thats in the not to distant future :p /me bust out his debt card, -$60.50 from account + $60.50 for Zipzoomfly and its Free 2 day shipping.
  3. H

    Whats A Good Router To Get???

    I am looking for a router also, what do you think about the Linksys WRT54G. What do you all think about the Speed Booster (Linksys WRT54GS or whatever) is it worth the extra 20 bucks... probably a stupid question. :/
  4. H

    Dual Channel i865pe Bandwidth Questions..

    For all you guys that have i865 chipsets tell me what your setup is and what bandwidth you are getting. I have 2x256mb PDP XBL @ 242mhz 2,3,3,6 -- 2.8v getting 5700/5700 is this about right? Thanks :E Abit AI7 v. 1.0 Bios 19 P4 is still burning in on stock cooler @ Stock...
  5. H

    AI7 P4 2.4c Not going over 242 FSB???

    Well the Title says all, I have 2x256 XBL running at 1:1 @ 2 3 3 6 --- 5600 Read/Write on Sandra Can't get GAT/PAT to come on for some reason. Setting are at TAADD P4 2.4c 1.5750v 2.7v on the ram
  6. H

    What you got/getting for Christmas?

    I have read the forums for a long time... just to lazy to sign up. So... What have you bought yourself/family/friend/random person? So far I have gotten: TTGI 420 Watt TTGI 550 Watt Shuttle AN35N-ULTRA Mobile 2500+ Speeze HeatSink PDP XBL 2x256 AND A Chieftec Case Probably...