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    The X850 is coming to AGP!!

    seriously who cares about x850... an overclocked x800... yay! and no its not the last agp card from ati. agp has at least a year, maybe two left (ati is coming out with a bridge chip)
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    6800gt corrupted 3d graphics after a suspend

    yes, stand by mode shuts off all the fans, so my bet was on overheating as well and which component runs on the same speeds in 2d and 3d modes? that's right, MEMORY after reducing my memory overclock from 1.15 ghz to 1.10 ghz the problem disappeared thanks for advice everyone
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    $10 vid card upgrade advice

    Personally I only play Minesweeper on 256x AA and 1024x AF at a resolution no less than 16 MegaPixels. To handle this kind of load, you NEED to have watercooled Ultras running in SLI. Agreed, 10$ won't get you very far, so selling your asshole is the way to go
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    6800gt corrupted 3d graphics after a suspend

    thanks, i'll try to gradually reduce the speeds and see if that makes any difference
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    6800gt corrupted 3d graphics after a suspend

    shameless bump
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    6800gt corrupted 3d graphics after a suspend

    Hi, lately I discovered the Suspend feature in windows XP which I think is mighty cool... starts my pc up in no time the only problem is that after a suspend that lasts a few hours none of my 3d games work - i get artifacts all over. 2d and windows is fine though... and no problems, as...
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    buffer underrun on dvds

    is it true that buffer underrun is a cd-only feature? so that even the newest dvd rw dl burners will not support it when burning a dvd, thus increasing a chance to get a coaster?
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    Low latency vesus high bus speeds

    edit: nvm, thought you were talking about memory frequency
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    Overclocking my 3200 Winchester corrupts system partition... help!

    Please allow me to use this thread to ask a few more questions Using the PCI lock, i was able to get to 2500 GHz with max 55 load temps. As you can see, it is 250x10, and I am content with this speed. However, how come HTT is 250 and my memory frequency shows up at 208? Also, which of the...
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    Leadtek 6800GT -- better or worse?

    just want to put in a good word for evga 6800gt. my overclocked past ultra speeds (420/1.15) and load temps are in high 60s
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    Overclocking my 3200 Winchester corrupts system partition... help!

    66.6/33.3 agp/pci lock worked!!! I set fsb to 230 and running prime 95 right now. thanks ilal2ielli and NEVERLIFT !
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    Overclocking my 3200 Winchester corrupts system partition... help!

    it's based on K8T800PRO so it has it.... Do I have to enable it in BIOS?
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    Overclocking my 3200 Winchester corrupts system partition... help!

    Hi all, I haven't done any overclocking since the golden days of changing jumpers on P-100 so it ran Heroes of Might & Magic III at whopping 133 mhz! But recently I finally got to pick decent parts and bought the following: AMD64 3200+ WINCHESTER (Stock cooling) 2x512 CORSAIR...