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  1. R

    Recomendations On LCD Panel

    I just ordered the Dell 2007fpw. I'm hopeful for the IPS panel, but not holding my breath at this point. The Dell is coming for just under $360 including tax, shipping, environmental deposit fee, and $4 for the 10% coupon off ebay. Ron
  2. R

    Dell 2007fpw with the S-PVA

    I missed my chance at a Dell 2007fpw with an IPS screen. I have seen a lot written here putting down the new version with the S-PVA screen. Sounds like it is being put down because most really want the IPS verison. I don't have much luck at lotteries so how does the S-PVA version stand up to...
  3. R

    S-IPS options needed

    I probably should have mentioned, this is mostly going to be used as computer screen and a widescreen is not a must have. I don't know if that opens up any other possibilities. Ron
  4. R

    S-IPS options needed

    Stupid me, I waited to long. I'm looking for a good monitor, around 20" in size, with an IPS screen. I was going to buy the Dell 2007FPW, but waited to long and now that model has a different type of screen. I thought no big deal, I'll just switch to the viewsonic vx2025, but I just found it...
  5. R

    Dell 1905fp mini-review

    sparrow_69, Do you think it's a keeper? Sounds like your are have second thoughts and wondering if you should have gone for the 2005. Now that you have one, any idea who made the panel for Dell. How do movies look on the monitor? Ron
  6. R

    Dell 1905FP

    Sparrow_69, I really wanted a 2005FPW a few days ago, but would rather spend a little less money. I just read all the complaints about the back light issues on the 2005FPW also. Now want it a whole lot less. Really looking forward to your report on the 1905FP. I'm sitting on a 25% off coupon...
  7. R

    Dell 1905FP

    Sparrow_69 I would like reading a review of the dell 1905fp also. Comparison between it and the Sony is a great idea.
  8. R

    Dell 1905FP

    The reason I was preferring the S-IPS panel was because of the speed. I just started researching LCD's and was thinking a 20ms S-IPS panel would probably have less ghosting than a 20ms PVA panel. Is this a reasonable assumptions or am I all washed up? Ron
  9. R

    Dell 1905FP

    I'm interested in the 1905FP monitor also, but getting inconsistent information. Dell says it's a 20ms screen others are saying it's 16ms. Where is the 16ms information coming from? I have also heard that it's the same screen as the Samsung 193P. That would make it a PVA screen as opposed to...