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  1. H

    What to get to replace Klipsch Promedia 2.1?

    Hi. I've had the Promedia 2.1 since 2002 and i'm looking to upgrade. Is there anything available now that is better and doesn't cost a fortune? Is this something that worth looking at? I'm mainly looking for more clarity with...
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    Bulldozer Possibly Pushed back till October

    I was really hoping to see it sooner. I guess i will have to go with a 2500k since my current C2D Conroe setup is getting really old now and i want to run BF3 properly.
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    x2 4400+ enough for 720p playback?

    I'm running an old s939 X2 4400+ with a Nvidia 6600GT card in the living room and it runs 720p .mkv's fine in VLC. It's running Windows XP and i'm streaming it from my main Windows 7 machine.
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    New Report Suggests Battlefield 3 to Bypass Steam

    Well, crap. I use Steam exclusively for games now and only buy games there but BF3 is on top of my "to buy" list.
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    GTX 560 TI good card for 1920x1200

    What do you think is good enough without breaking the bank? I currently have a ATI 4890 and have to play Bad Company 2 at mostly low, what would it take to turn things to high and maybe some AA and AF?
  6. H

    Modern Warfare 3 Spoiler Details Released

    Battlefield 3 is where it's at. Screw CoD.
  7. H

    What makes sandy bridge so good anyways?

    I can't wait to upgrade. I'll be going from a 3 year old 65nm Conroe E6750 to hopefully a 2500k or 2600k. I will also be going from ATI 4890 to either a GTX460 or ATI 6850. I also plan on replacing an old 150gb Raptor to a Corsair Force SSD. This will surely be a happy new year :)
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    i5-750, AMD or wait for Sandy?

    Thanks for the advice. I really do want an i5-750 and i bet it's more then enough for me, but something is telling me to wait for SB, if not for only hoping for price cuts on other stuff. And thanks for the shipping offer, i might take you up on that some day :)
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    i5-750, AMD or wait for Sandy?

    So, i've been running a e6750 65nm Conroe for the past 3 years or even more, on a Gigabyte p35-ds3r and it's been a rock solid setup, but it's starting to show it's age in what i do. I'm a amateur photographer and do alot of editing in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, usually open together and...
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    4850 to 6870 worth it?

    Instead of making a new thread, i decided to poke my head in this one and ask, if going from a 4890 to a 6850 would be a big enough jump? Should i go for the 6870? I mostly play BFBC2 where i struggle at 1920x1080 on low to medium settings.
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    Leaked Radeon HD 6770 and 6750 Specs?

    If the 6770 is as good as it looks to be, i think my 4890 will be replaced. Good times.
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    Using Android is Like 'Peeing in Your Pants'

    Funny you should mention the apps. My coworker has an iphone 4 and he brags all day about about how this and that app is amazing and can do this and that like how he walked 60 meters further today then yesterday. I don't really care that he can use his phone as a compass or an imaginary Zippo...
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    Using Android is Like 'Peeing in Your Pants'

    The European market seems different from the American. We don't get all the deals Americans get by making contracts with phone companies. It exists but it's not as common practice. So it's not as easy to pay a single $900 payment as it is to write your name on a paper and pay $200. It's much...
  14. H

    Best 2.1 Speaker Setup

    So why is everyone recommending nearfield monitors for computer audio? Anyway, Klipsch 2.1 is probably the best i've owned and used. Beats any Creative or Logitech unit by miles. May i also mention to not plugin fancy speakers or headphones to a crappy Realtek onboard chip. Buy something...
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    New Gov't Rules Allow Unapproved IPhone Apps

    If thats the case, musicians, recording engineers and producers will be happy. To electronic musicians, dongles are the root of all evil.
  16. H

    New Gov't Rules Allow Unapproved IPhone Apps

    This makes me smile :) Suck it Apple!
  17. H

    Bill Would Give President Emergency Net Power

    Is this serious? This better apply to America only. I mean, why should the American president have any control over the World Wide Web.
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    Time Lapse Video of Eyjafjallajökull

    Yeah it's Jonsi, the singer from Sigurrós. It's from his newly released solo album.
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    Budget 1156 build with i5-750, need advice.

    That seems like a solid board, i must have missed that one. Thanks!
  20. H

    Budget 1156 build with i5-750, need advice.

    Hey there. I'm looking to make the jump from 775 to 1156 and i need advice on what board to get. I've been using a Gigabyte P35 - DS3R for over 2 years now and i really love it. Been rock solid so i really want to get a Gigabyte board next. The 2 boards i've been reading about are...
  21. H

    Now This is What I Would Call a Cool Tool

    I used to work on a 50+ ton excavator and it's fun to see how realistically that model behaves. Maneuvers like that are common on real excavators. Also amazing to see it can lift 10 liters.
  22. H

    Bad Company 2 SLOW LOADS

    MSI Radeon 4890 OC DX10 = Slow loading times, most players way into the map. DX9 = Fast loading, one of the first into game. Only tried 3 different Catalyst drivers, same issue with all. Versions 10.1 10.2 and 10.3a Specs.... Windows 7 64bit Gigabyte P35 DS3R Intel E6750 @...
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    4860 OCed to 4890 speeds having problems with Bad Company 2

    Not having quad core is the problem. I had a 4850 and now have a 4890 and the performance didnt go up by much in BFBC2 at 1920x1080. It went up by alot in other games though. I have a Core 2 Duo. By reading around other forums i have come to the conclusion BFBC2 just loves quadcore and you...
  24. H

    Saphire HD4890 + Catalyst problem

    Thats because for some reason on ATI cards, DX10 increases loading times alot. I have the same problem on my 4890. You can change back to DX9 in the setting.ini which is found in the bfbc2 beta folder in your documents. Just change DxVersion=auto to DxVersion=9 but then again, the beta has...
  25. H

    New Build: Windows 7 x86 v. x64

    I went from XP 32bit to Win7 64bit and i will never look back. No issues whatsoever except for a 8 year old pro audio soundcard i had. They stopped updating the drivers in 2005 anyway so it was about time to get a new one.
  26. H

    Which game company has delivered the most/best entertainment to you over the years?

    First and foremost.....Valve. It's how i got into PC gaming with Half Life and still playing their games. Second....DICE. I've played all Battlefield series games on the PC and i just love them.
  27. H

    Your Opinion on BFBC2 physics

    Yeah the destruction in BF:BC2 is amazing and really adds another dimension to the game experience. Destroying buildings and trees really changes how a map plays. What used to be a great cover at the start of the map can be a flatland minutes later and force you to change tactics. According...
  28. H

    Upgrade: ATi 4850 to ???

    Not in BF:BC2 Beta. In all other games, it's awesome. There is quite a bit of difference going from 512mb GDDR3 to 1GB GDDR5 and a higher clock.
  29. H

    Upgrade: ATi 4850 to ???

    I just went from the 4850 to the 4890 and it did not do much good for BF:BC2 as it seems it needs lots of optimization. It did help a bit, but the game needs lots of work. To get proper performance it seems you need an i5/i7 and a 5850/5870. Which is kinda stupid. But, all other games play...
  30. H

    Want to replace my ATI 4850....with what?

    Hey guys thanks for all the advice. I managed to get a used MSI 4890 OC for $40 more then i sold my 4850 for, so that will do me good i think until i can afford a 5850.
  31. H

    Want to replace my ATI 4850....with what?

    Dear [H]ard people. I've been using my vanilla ATI 4850 512mb for over a year now and been very happy with it running most games nicely at 1680x1050. Now though, i'm going to a 24" 1920x1080 monitor and fear that it will struggle with the games i play now, Aion and BF BC2. I'm already...
  32. H

    Upgrade E6750 to Q9550 or save for i5/i7?

    See problem is, since i'm in europe, prices are totally different. The CPU's cost more from suppliers, add to that expensive shipping and 24.5% VAT and you have prices that are higher then in the US. For example, here a Q9550 costs $300, and an upgrade to a basic (cheapish MB and RAM) i5 750...
  33. H

    Upgrade E6750 to Q9550 or save for i5/i7?

    Hiya ladies and gents. So basically i'm wanting to upgrade my system soon that i've using the past 2 years. It consists of a E6750 running at 3.2Ghz, with 4GB DDR2 800 on a Gigabyte P35 - DS3R and running the graphics is an ATI 4850 512mb. I use Windows 7 64bit. I do a bit of gaming. CoD4...
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    Choosing a 26" panel. ASUS VK266H vs Samsung T260?

    Yeah after reading more about these montiors i'v decided to just go for a 24" 16:9 TN until i can afford a proper large IPS with 16:10 for my photo editing. I'm going for the Samsung 2494SW which will replace my 22" Benq G2200. Thanks for all the input.
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    Choosing a 26" panel. ASUS VK266H vs Samsung T260?

    Thanks for the replies. The reason i'm looking at these two is that i really want a 24" LCD with 1920x1200 but where i live (Iceland) all the affordable 24" have 1920x1080. The only 24" with 16:10 still available is a Dell 2408WFP and it costs more then the two 25.5" i mentioned in my...
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    Choosing a 26" panel. ASUS VK266H vs Samsung T260?

    I'm looking at getting a 26" panel with 1920x1200 (dont like 16:9) and have been looking at these two monitors and would like some opinion... Asus Samsung
  37. H

    Holy crap, it worked! Dead video card, resurrected!

    Yeah, 385 seems a bit low for the reflow and the bake time is a bit long at 8 minutes. But then again, if you dont have a proper reflow oven, it might be the compromise needed. The reflow oven i use at work does preheat for 3 minutes at 300°F and then reflows at 480°F for 2 minutes. When the...
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    Your CPU progression

    Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k Commodore 64 Atari 520ST Intel 486 SX 33MHz AMD K6-2 450MHz AMD Athlon XP 1800+ AMD Athlon 64 3200 Intel Core 2 Duo E6850
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    Holy crap, it worked! Dead video card, resurrected!

    If anyone still doubts this is safe, this is how the cards are made in the first place. I work with making surface mount cards, not as complex as video cards or motherboards, but same principal. Soldering paste is applied over the PCB, put into assembly machine that places all the parts on...