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  1. V

    NEED help with my A64!

    I beleive he most likely meant, DDR400 IE: I could be mistaken though. From what it sounded like that is the exact same problem that a bad or incompatible memory module does to a system. Could be incompatible manufacturer or memory, or a bad stick, or possibly your using up too...
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    6600GT or X-700 Pro...Need Advice

    When it comes right down to it, the 256MB issue in itself becomes moot when employing the SLI capabilities of the card, which he has mentioned wanting to do. After getting the second 6600GT in SLI, he then has his 256MB of memory. In benchmarks (which Anand stated the drivers support for SLI...
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    6600GT or X-700 Pro...Need Advice

    :eek: >quietly slips out of the forum while nobodies watching<
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    6600GT or X-700 Pro...Need Advice

    Jeeze. His statement was pure [H]ardcore sarcasm. Lighten up and read the post before flaming him. On a side note, < start sarcasm > what do you think would happen if I took a GF2 MX, and like, put a pelt on it, and then like a Dodge 4x4 Radiator ontop of that, then overlocked it to like...
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    6800GT Shipped! Questions...

    Of course they are, and 2 6800GT's in SLI also gained a 105% improvement in one case of the benchmarks. But he wasn't asking what the greatest card was, he was talking about getting a budget card. One 6600GT now, and another one in a few months or however long would be less expensive overall...
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    6800GT Shipped! Questions...

    Plus, as an added bonus, if you do end up going with the 6600GT, this would allow you to purchase another 6600GT later down the line and utilize it's SLI technology, and run dual 6600GT's. :D From what I've seen and heard, it'll be a killer set-up for sure.
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    6800GT Shipped! Questions...

    All of the Geforce 6 series cards have an On-Chip Video Processor, and it functions just fine except for some of the abilities and features of the chip are currently dissabled at the software (driver) level. There is still debate and question as to wether or not the actual hardware chip is...
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    NV40 broken video processor

    Hello everyone, I have read every single post on this thread, as well as a mind numbing 25+page thread on another forum about this, read the reviews, the techreports, looked at Nvidia's website as well as some of their partners' websites and thought I would give me opinion. Everyone...