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  1. L

    Good cans <$70?

    mdr v6. nuff said.
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    1920x1200 question

    will a 512mb x1950pro run games decently at this res? games like CSS, CoD2, bf2/2142 i'm hoping for detail on high, while AA and AF are less important to me than overall detail
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    dell latitude d420 touchpad issues

    sadly, dell didn't see fit to equip this lovely diminutive machine with a synaptics touchpad. rather, they stuck it with an ALPS unit. my dad is not pleased. he is already in serious withdrawl from the synaptics tap zones and whatnot is there some sort of alternative driver or software that...
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    why do my routers keep dying?!

    Routers have been plugged into different outlets (on the same duplex), different surge protectors, I've tried everything...and I made sure to swap out the brick...thanks for the suggestion thought
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    why do my routers keep dying?!

    Over the past couple of years, I've had a lot of wireless network equipment in my house... in order: 1) Linksys WAP11 2) Netgear MR814 3) Linksys BEFW11S4 4) Netgear WGT624 Each one of these routers has died. Not been switched out for something better. Simply died. Right now I'm...
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    Houston, we gots a small issue (got a PO but no ST)

    sweet, it turns out the antec p180 has NO speaker... i'm gonna RMA the videocard first, then the board...thanks for your help....
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    Houston, we gots a small issue (got a PO but no ST)

    I should also clarify the first post, that the computer was ON when I first found this problem, that when turning on the monitor, my already powered on computer was displaying nothing.
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    Houston, we gots a small issue (got a PO but no ST)

    about this beeping...thing is, the mobo has no speaker that i can see (or even a buzzer), nor does the case, as far as i can tell...the only status indicator is the LED light on the board which is blue for standby and red for on, both being the appropriate colors... ARGH
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    Houston, we gots a small issue (got a PO but no ST)

    i should also mention that I don't have any different RAM or videocards to test here...
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    Houston, we gots a small issue (got a PO but no ST)

    tried one stick of ram in various slots, no dice did it again with no HDs attached, no dice. i'm guessing it's the motherboard given that it doesn't POST, but it spins up fans and disks(i.e.psu functions) unless someone thinks its the videocard?
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    Houston, we gots a small issue (got a PO but no ST)

    Recently built Core 2 System: e6600@stock (under a scythe ninja, passive) 2x1gb Crucial Anniversary P5B dlx/wifi HIS IceQ3 x1950Pro 2x250gb WD SE16s antec p180 Corsair HX520 power supply I left for the weekend (starting thursday), left the computer on, came back, and to my dismay...
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    Computer Speaker advice...

    So, I'm going to college next year and lookin for some computer speaker advice... I'd ideally like something with multiple, switchable sources, so I could run my computer, tv, and record player all on one set of speakers... I also would very much like to avoid a reciever/etc simply out of...
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    P5B dlx/wifi drive allocation question...

    So tomorrow, when I boot/install an OS on my new rig, I'm going to have to put the OS on one of the two 250gb hard drives... However, I want these drives on separate SATA controllers (for example a PhotoShop scratch disk is useless unless it's on a separate controller than the OS disk, or so...
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    Jesus H. Christ Another Woot-Off...

    "your" bad at grammar! ;)
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    Jesus H. Christ Another Woot-Off...

    Eugh, here we go again, no sleep for 72 hours for me it seems...
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    FS: 7900GTO EVGA 512MB

  17. L

    $33 best buy giftcard and some cash...

    Also: I've looked at the BB website, and the cheapest card is a 6200TC for around 50, I'm more curious if any of you [H]ers have seen any better in-store deals...Out of curiosity, does a 6200TC outperform an FX5200?
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    $33 best buy giftcard and some cash...

    any videocard I could pick up at best buy for a $33 giftcard and a few cash dollars thrown in...just to hold me over until i can afford either a G80 or R600 I was hoping for the $50 dollar range...or maybe even less??? it doesn't even have to be that good, just has to drive 1680x1050 and be...
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    I have $280 and no video card STILL! (thanks monarch) Suggestions?

    I started this thread to gather opinions on the best use of my $280. You presented an offer, which I evaluated, and we had some good discourse going, until you felt it necessary to tell me to just buy your card and that Xfire was a piece of shit, more reason to buy your card. First of all...
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    I have $280 and no video card STILL! (thanks monarch) Suggestions?

    greta you just lost a sale: chill out, consider your price (which from other FS/T forums i've looked at, is high for that card, even discontinued) cut the "screwed up all my games" crossfire routine...because its really childish and finally, calm down, i'm not gonna decide to buy your card an...
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    I have $280 and no video card STILL! (thanks monarch) Suggestions?

    the idea of waiting a month or two makes my blood curdle... i bought all this stuff at once, a huge box from newegg, and a smaller from monarch (that is now nonexistent) so i have a killer rig sitting at my desk, that hasn't even been powered on because it's got no videocard!!!AAGH! I was...
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    I have $280 and no video card STILL! (thanks monarch) Suggestions?

    thank you UnknownSouljer, my thoughts exactly... and as for the older design blower cooler, how loud are we talking here? because the last stock cooled videocards I had were a 9800XT and an X800Pro, both of which were intolerably loud.
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    I have $280 and no video card STILL! (thanks monarch) Suggestions?

    Are you guys kidding? The friggin thread title says $280, and so far I've gotten 3 suggestions, two were for 500 dollar cards!
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    I have $280 and no video card STILL! (thanks monarch) Suggestions?

    how's the noise/cooling performance with that blower?
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    I have $280 and no video card STILL! (thanks monarch) Suggestions?

    I said I have $280 (that has to include shipping) not $500
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    I have $280 and no video card STILL! (thanks monarch) Suggestions?

    After 15 days of waiting for monarch to stop fucking me, I've decided that they fucked me, so I've been sitting here for 2 weeks with a great rig (P5B dlx wifi, E6600, 2x1gb DDR2 etc) without being able to use it...So, I'm issuing a chargeback for an HIS Radeon X1950Pro IceQ3 That gives me...
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    FS: HIS x1900GT IceQ3

  28. L

    Proudest gaming achievements

    CS:Source, stoned off my ass, blind from a flashbang, yet somehow i get two headshots with a TMP...classic.
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    Rate my Build (before I plunk down 1500)

    thanks for the suggestion! how would you quantify the noise of the GTO cooler as opposed to the VF900 (if you have experience with both)
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    Rate my Build (before I plunk down 1500)

    I'm going C2D! Anyway, below is my last ever high school computer build (I'm buying parts to reward myself on sending out a Tufts Early Application) CPU: Core 2 Duo E6600 @ $315 Motherboard: Asus P5B Deluxe/WiFi-AP @ $229.99 RAM: G.SKILL 2x1GB DDR2 800 Kit F2-6400CL5D-2GBNQ @ $224.99...
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    cheapie 1680x1050 card?

    Thanks for all the input, I'm gonna go either with the x1900gt or the 7900gs... However, as I look at the egg's selection of these cards, I'm not finding anything with HDCP support, which I'd like to have... Also, what manufacturers explicitly allow you to remove the heatsink and use a...
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    removing ramsinks

    for ramsinks applied to GPU memory with supplied thermal tape, can one just yank them off (Carefully, of course)? or, is one now stuck with a bunch of copper on the chips as one would be with say, artic silver adhesive
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    Your Video Card Upgrade Ladder

    ok: none (Magitronic running Dos)->Integrated Intel Graphics in 100mhz Pentium Laptop (IBM Thinkpad 560, what a bitchin machine)->VooDoo Banshee 16mb (back to desktops)->pre-Ti series GeForce 3->Radeon Mobility 9700 (switched from desk to apple powerbook)->Radeon 9800XT->Radeon X800Pro->Intel...
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    cheapie 1680x1050 card?

    I game a bit, but nowhere near hardcore (i.e. the odd match of BF2 or CS:S here and there, or occasionally a weekend marathon of AOE3 or COD2) While those games might look graphically demanding, I'm less concerned with having the absolute highest framerates and more concerned with it being...
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    Westys on display in New York?..........

    ny, eh? you could come to my house to see a W1 (not W3) westy 37" in action on eastern long it's a really gorgeous panel, even when playing cablevisions shit programming (content, not picture quality)
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    Dells got some decent deals on 20" monitor...2007FPW is on sale for $373

    yeah..umm...out of curiosity, how often do the 2007fpws become seriously hot, and how how? is 150 honestly the sale price they go to? ive heard reports of 240 and i was like NO way... im craving an LCD like mad, and so im trying to find out whether to wait for good dell deal or just spring on...
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    Conroe Build Advice

    on the 1600 front, is it going to be an upgrade from an x800 pro or will it be worse? also, wasnt it said that HL2 ran respectably on the 1600s found in the macbook pros? also, when they dx10 cards come out i'll be buying one, and a large flatscreen until then im sticking with my 17" crt...