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  1. T

    Opinion on New Video Card

    Well, I've been doing a bit of looking, and here's what I am thinking so far: If I go with an ATI chipset, it will be an x1600XT. If I go with nVidia, it will be a 7600GT. Now all I have to do is come up with some $$$, and decide on a card. I thank all of you for your opinions thus far, they...
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    Opinion on New Video Card

    I looked around for a 7600GT, and I really couldn't find anything in my price range. I realize that the 512 is GDDR2, which is slower, but I was thinking: twice as much memory at a slower speed is better than half as much at a faster speed. A new card would have to last me, ideally, 3-4...
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    Opinion on New Video Card

    Howdy everyone! I am in need of some opinions regarding a new video card for my desktop. I found this one on newegg, and I just wanted to know if anyone had any experience with Sapphire before, and things like that. Or, feel free to recommend something else. I'm a man on a very tight...
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    Intel 440GX Mobo & Keyboard issues

    I tried installing windows 2003, and it worked just fine. I guess it just didn't like XP.
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    Intel 440GX Mobo & Keyboard issues

    I recently aquired an old computer with an Intel 440GX mobo, and it only recognizes the keyboard some of the time. The mobo doesn't like USB keyboards, so a PS/2 style is used. Quick background: the machine came from my place of employment, and used to have Windows XP (OEM if it matters) on...
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    What is your connection speed?

    I get about 3 MBPS down / 768 k up. Verizon DSL. It's actually been pretty good. I've had it for almost a year now, and I've had no problems at all.
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    Where the heck did all my harddrive space go??

    That program was called Space Monger, and you can get it here. I use it all the time. You'd be amazed at the stuff you forget you have.
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    Windows Server Configuration

    Thank you very much! TechNet had slipped my mind when I was looking for info, and the other 2 links seem helpful also. I should be good from here. Thanks
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    Windows Server Configuration

    I am trying to set up a server with Windows 2000 Advanced Server. All I need it to do is accept incoming connections for my VPN, and to provide DHCP, DNS, etc. for the local network. There are 2 NIC's installed. I have already spent 10+ hours trying to get it to work, but I have had no luck...
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    Internal HD or External HD?

    $157 for 60 gigs?!? That's quite expensive. Why not add 40 gigs for $1.91 more. Details HERE It's a Seagate 100 GB, 5400 RPM, 8 MB cache. edit: Sorry, didn't see the 60 gig was 7200. That's still a tad expensive. Here's an Hitachi for $145
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    How messed up does Windows get before you usually reinstall?

    Actually, I have 2 test machines, plus I use VMWare and Virtual PC extensively. Sometimes it's just more fun to put it on my main rig and see how well it really works.
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    How messed up does Windows get before you usually reinstall?

    I average about 3 months between reformats on my main rig (my laptop). The thing is, I load so much junk onto it, as well as beta everything, it just slows down after a while. I've nevere actually borken it so bad as to have to reformat. For me, it's almost enjoyable. Then again, I make...
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    How can a bridge 2 networks? (Cable and DSL)

    So what did you decided to do?
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    Norton Corporate, or AVG?

    I've been running Norton (Symantec) Corporate since version 7, and I've had no problems. I used to use their home stuff, and it was much too bloated. Currently, I'm using version 9, with minimal affect on performance. It takes about 30 MB of your resources to run with all options turned on...
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    VGA to SVideo Adapter

    Here's the scenario: My computer (laptop actually) only has a VGA port for an additional monitor, no SVideo or composite. This can be aggravating, as I want to play DVD's on a TV via my laptop. I found this, but I'm not sure if it will work...
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    Hard Drive Enclosure

    Thanks for the replies. motithejrt - you have a good point: I hadn't thought about the 12v requirement. And I'll keep looking.
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    How often do you format??

    I've had my laptop for a little over a year now, and I averaged about 2 months between each wipe. I do a lot of tweaking, so I messed it up pretty often (System Restore is crap, and I'd rather reformat than restore to an image). But lately, I've cut back to just a few times a yearl: end of...
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    Hard Drive Enclosure

    I need a USB 2.0 3.5" Hard Drive Enclosure. Simple enough, but I want one that is bus powered, as I don't want to lug around a power adapter. I've looked at NewEgg & TugerDirect, but have had minimal luck. I'd prefer something in the $20-40 range, relatively compact and durable. Any...