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    Revealing Windows XP Mode for Windows 7

    well... according to maximumpc... i may have to change my tune... apparently, virtualpc does not use hw virtualization... but this vxp does. If it truely hw accellerated, that would be a big improvement, even though Virtualbox has been doing this for a while. And Krissoft... what ARE you...
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    Revealing Windows XP Mode for Windows 7

    err... yes.. the 3d is something NONE of the others even had... and it keeps getting better. I can too say VirtualPC is worthless. I used VirtualPC before. I have a copy of XP for this, but seriously, what does not work in Win7? God... I have software going back to win95 days that runs on...
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    Revealing Windows XP Mode for Windows 7

    give me a break... all this is is VirtualPC... and big woopdedo on the virtual desktop... Virtualbox has been able to do that for a long time. It is free and guess what? It supports OpenGL and some Direct3d. None of the others do that. I have ran OpenArena and Diablo 2 in XP on Virtualbox...
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    Gigabyte N680SLI-DQ6 @ [H]

    Where is the F4B bios? It is not on the gigabyte site. As for the backplate, it is easy to remove. I have mine watercooled and no issues... With Easytune though, I have an issue that it will not save my voltages. The settings dont survive a reboot.
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    The [H]ard Forum 2 Terabyte Club

    box1: 5x250G box2: 3x160 5x120 New box3: 2x150 6x500G
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    I have one. I have the 5-port version with 5x250GB Samsungs and have had just one issue. I had a bad cable. Those dang things are fragile as hell. Others have had firmware problems with maxtor drives. I love this card... I am bummed they went out of business. I really love the fact that...
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    Any word on 64 Bit Forceware release?

    and rock solid also. I have had very few crashes.... In fact the only problem I have is caused by my trying to kill my power supply not anything the os is doing. Doctor X
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    Need some RAID recommendations from you RAID gods

    As for a card recommendation, check out the netcell 5-port version. It has raid3 and smokin fast. There is a version for pcix if needed. There supposively will be a pcie version coming out... still waiting on that. I get with my pci version 90-106 MB/s sustained throughput. I have read the...
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    Various RAID levels and speed results

    Try Raid3... youll like it.. trust me :D Doctor X
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    XFX Revo64?

    I have the 5 port version. I have 5x250G Samsung SATA drives in a Raid3. It is much faster than my rocketraid404 in raid0. I love this card. Fault tolerant and performance to boot. Plus if you lose a drive, there is no performance penalty. It doesnt like small files very much, but that is...
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    Does Raid 0 offer that much more performance?

    I for one use raid3 now. It has its disadvantages... but performance is not one of them. I get 92 MB/s sustained and burst of 105 MB/s. That is real close to the 133MB/s limit of the PCI bus. The only disadvantage I have noticed it doesnt like really small files. This is not that big of a...
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    PCI-E Raid 5 card?

    Still putting things together... had to dodge bad thunderstorms. Using hdtach, I got between 85-90MB/s constant, 106MB/s burst, with 7% CPU usage (although the rocketraid404 was still attached. This could have colored the Cpu usage a little). Once I get everything moved from my Rocketraid404...
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    PCI-E Raid 5 card?

    XFX says they will release the PCIe version next month. I just bought the pci version hooked up to 5x250 Sata 3Gb drives. Still in the process of moving my data over. i will let everyone know how well it works. (my plan is to put this in my server and get the pcie version when I build my new...
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    Boy I am screwed.... Please help me with my raid 5

    well, I got it fixed with tech support's help. Highpoint was right on the problem and got my raid setup back.. They gave me a utility that forces the definitions back into the bios.
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    Boy I am screwed.... Please help me with my raid 5

    Well I have a Rocketraid 404 with 4 drives in a Raid5. As luck would have it, i had a Y power adapter on two of the drives give out. When the system came back up, i have a broken raid5 set. To make matters worse, it thinks i have 2 raid 5 sets with 2 drives each. Both are pissed. I am...
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    Folders not remembering view settings in XP Pro

    run either crap cleaner or a reg fix program. I had the exact problem when I went to sp2. I was just about to wipe and reload after trying all the different tricks when a coworker recommended it to me. Worked like a charm! I only had 1900 errors in my registry. :D Hope that helps...
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    RAID0 Problems.

    I am not sure... but it sounds like if you are overclocking, you have to back that off. Otherwise I would check your memory. hope that helps Doctor X
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    Settle a Cable Select Debate

    sup ICE Czar? Thanks for the info! :D I have always wondered why I have better performance with cable select than master/slave. After reading what you posted, I am wondering if the controller I used made a difference. (i have run highpoint for years now). Or could it depend on the cable...
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    Settle a Cable Select Debate

    I found out with my drives, if i set them master/slave. It would be slower than cable select. I verified this with benchmarks before. What I cannot figure or find out is why.... I was able to reproduce this with any drive that was ata66 or later... but I noticed my maxtors being really...
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    RAID5 controller?

    I have two of them. Just make sure when you get one, flash it to the latest bios. (which at this time is 3.04). One of the earlier bioses had a performance problem. Also, dont waste your money on a 454. All it is a 404 with updated bios. I would not recommend raid 5 if you have a mediocre...
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    Five connector ide cable question

    :D Doctor X
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    Five connector ide cable question

    it states a little down the page: * Additional connectors give your customers flexibility of where to position their drives. * Allows two internal IDE hard drives to be connected to a controller card * Fully tested and certified to meet or exceed industry standards * High quality Internal...
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    tera backup

    man i wish i could afford a library... manually changing 16 tapes sux! :D Doctor X
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    Maxtor 120gb 7.2Krpm + Raptor 74gb 10Krpm. To raid or not to raid?

    In short... no. The two drives are too dissimilar.. ( you wouldnt notice anything.) Also, you would throw 46GB away. The only way raid is worth wild is using the same drives. Dont make your system root drive (i am assuming c here) larger than 35G. I am not sure why, but windows slows...
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    tera backup

    ebay.... get a DLTIV drive and a bunch of tapes... for $200 i got adaptec ultra160 with a Dell DLT iV and 20 tapes. Takes a long time, but once it is done... it is done . Doctor X
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    2 Drives Crash.. Why? help...

    possibly.. it would make sense tho... that is the cpu to memory bus... you could be corrupting something there. anyone else have a better explanation? Doctor X
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    anyone use wireless key/mouse combo

    you know... i did notice lag when I hooked it up to the ps2 ports but not with usb. hmmm.. interesting.
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    2 Drives Crash.. Why? help...

    I had a similar problem a couple of years ago playing with overclocking. My raid card did not like the overclock and scrambled my drives. It has made me skittish about overclocking. I would say the controller on the board (I assume that is where you have the drives set up) doesnt like that...
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    Hard drive cache.. still a problem?

    LOL.... i cannot leave my box alone for that long :D l8r Doctor X
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    Hard drive cache.. still a problem?

    Thanks! well i guess I have to keep that on now... I dont have a high end card on my server (Rocketraid404) I run raid5 and 0 on there. Thanks for the info! Doctor X
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    samsung hard drives

    I have had 3x160G samsungs for about 2 weeks now. Very fast and quiet. I am pleased so far. Beats the crap out of my 120G maxtors. Enjoy! Doctor X
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    anyone use wireless key/mouse combo

    I experienced the same thing until I got a ratzpadz. Man i recommend them! Doctor X
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    RAID 0 @ ATA/133/7200rpm's

    good info! Thanks... I will do some more reading.
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    Should i convert from fat32 to NTFS on slave drive?

    did you defrag afterwards? if you did what did you use? If you didnt, that is why it is slow. I recommend perfectdisk 6. I like it alot. Doctor X
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    A64 OC Data

    Wow! What are you using for memory, mb and cpu cooler? Doctor X
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    anyone use wireless key/mouse combo

    I had the same problem... but I had two causes.. 1. it was too close to my speakers and 2. both the mouse and keyboard was on the same channel. This makes an awesome gaming platform when combined with a ratpadz GS. I play a lot of FP games like ut2004 my 23 cents worth :D Doctor X
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    Undervolting athlon64

    Have you guys tried undervolting your athlon64? I have and it is totally stable. Kinda counterintuitive considering i am overclocking to 2150 Mhz. This is being discussed all over the MSi forums. Just curious. FYI, it lowered my temps about 5C. DoctorX
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    A64 OC Data

    hope this is still on topic.. forgive me if it isnt Athlon64 3000+ @2150 undervolted to 1.4v msi k8t-neo fisr. Corsair Pro memory 2.5-3-3-6 How much more do you think I can push this? so far rock solid. Thanks Doctor X
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    Should i convert from fat32 to NTFS on slave drive?

    totally agree.. but I will add one thing. Fat32 is quite fast up to about 8GB... however, it starts to get slow over that amount. NTFS may be marginally slower below 8G but it scales so much better. In fact it is very fast up to 100G. After that is starts slowing down. (as I have noticed...