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  1. J

    [H]ot Monarch Computer Deals - Check Often

    It's rampaging consumer's Mr. Monarch, what do you expect? Like you said it's not for everyone, nothing is. Anyhow, I am just happy I got my opteron 165 $67 cheaper. Continue giving out these incredible discounts and you have a customer for life. -Chears, JDA.
  2. J

    AMD Super HOT Coupons!!

    I recieved an email early today (monday). It's obvious that they don't ship or work on weekends, lol. My 165 should be here either tuesday or wednesday
  3. J

    AMD Super HOT Coupons!!

    Yes, pretty weird, maybe it's because of the $60-67 dollar coupons? Perhaps they have to be manually confirmed or something of that sort lol.
  4. J

    AMD Super HOT Coupons!!

    I ordered and the total was like $277, but I haven't received any form of confirmation. Do they send emails right away, or should I wait till monday?
  5. J

    I have 512 (256x2) of ddr3200 xms c2 should I buy another 512 mb of same ram?

    So, I should keep the two 256 sticks in dual channel mode on the dfi mobo with a 7900gt and an opty 165?! That doesn't sound too good, lol. I see many people with 1gb ram in their dual core setups.. I don't think I can muster up $150 right now for a 2gb combo that will give me the performance of...
  6. J

    I have 512 (256x2) of ddr3200 xms c2 should I buy another 512 mb of same ram?

    Newegg has a 512mb stick of xms c2 ram for like $50-60 should I buy this? Since I already have two 265 sticks, I can put the two 256 on one side and the 512 single stick on the other right? I will be running a DFI board (prolly DFI LANPARTY UT nF4 Ultra-D) and an opty 165. Will 1gb be enough for...
  7. J

    AMD Super HOT Coupons!!

    Now I need a good deal on a decent to highend fan/heatsink combo for my opty 165!
  8. J

    AMD Super HOT Coupons!!

    Holy crap, it actually worked, I was just reading some of the posts and people were begging for coupons so I did too. Thanks a lot!
  9. J

    AMD Super HOT Coupons!!

    I will kill for an opty 165 coupon. PLZPPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZ
  10. J

    I need a DVD burner...But im on a budget so anyr recomendations?

    I need a good dvd burner....But im on a tight budget so i need something atleast semi reliabe and with good features at a very affordable price.........