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  1. J


    I have been coming to your site for over 20 years to read your reviews. Sign it or not and I will still keep coming back. John
  2. J

    AMD Ryzen 1700X on the [H] Test Bench

    I have not posted in years.. Ryzen has me really excited and has me thinking about the old days again. I feel like a bear coming out of hibernation and hope I can finally retire my 2600k! Not a fanboy of either, but I sure love the competition again.
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    Speedstep not working - P8P67 Deluxe 1503

    Thank fixed it guys, thanks! John
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    Speedstep not working - P8P67 Deluxe 1503

    I flashed to 1503 bios last night and cleared the CMOS. When I went back in and put all the settings in that I had for the 1502 bios, my CPU no longer drops in voltage and multiplier when not under load. It just stays at 46x and1.35v all the time. Any suggestions on what I missed? Is...
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    Hyper 212+ or Corsair H50 for new 2600k setup?

    Thank you for the suggestion. I have tried a lot of bun in programs - IBT, LINX, OCCT, etc and I think prime with the small FFTs gave me the highest temperatures. What I have noticed, is since I have updated the bios to 1503, speedstep no longer functions. my CPU and voltage stays at max...
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    Hyper 212+ or Corsair H50 for new 2600k setup?

    Well, I have done quite a bit of testing with both the Hyper 212+ and the H50. Both of them in push/pull config with the same fans. They are within 1-2C of each other, with the H50 a tad lower. I am keeping the Hyper 212+. [email protected]@1.35v runs 72C with hyperthreading enabled. John
  7. J

    Official ASUS P8P67 Series Overclocking Guide and Information

    I did these exact settings and am stable at 4.7ghz. My problem is heat.. I am at 81C on one of the cores (75,81,79,76) after 30 minutes of prime95. I have an H50 in push/pull and it just seems really high to me. Any thoughts on temp and what I might be able to do? I have a 212+ in the...
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    Asus P8P67 Bios Overclocking Questions

    Well, I am stable, but with an H50 my prime temps are 81C after 30 minutes. I have a push/pull setup and I think that is too high. trying to figure out why the temps are so high (cooler issue?) or if there is a setting I have that is increasing the temps beyond the voltage.. I am at 4.7ghz...
  9. J

    Asus P8P67 Bios Overclocking Questions

    Can you please post all of your bios settings and temps under load? I am in a very similar configuration and feel I am close to being stable but not quite there.. John
  10. J

    push or pull on hyper 212 plus

    Slap another one on and do push/pull. If only one, push is the way to go to bring the cool air from the front of the case over the heatsink. John
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    Hyper 212+ or Corsair H50 for new 2600k setup?

    I think what is very clear in this thread is everyone has their own opinion and there isn't a clear answer! I appreciate the feedback. John
  12. J

    Hyper 212+ or Corsair H50 for new 2600k setup?

    Thanks for all the responses. I am sticking with the H50. I have heard the fan that comes with it is not very good.. Any other suggestions on fans and how much reduction would be expected in temp from two good fans in a push pull on the H50? John
  13. J

    Hyper 212+ or Corsair H50 for new 2600k setup?

    I am getting a 2600k setup going once all the parts get in tomorrow. I plan to overclock as much as I can. I have a Hyper 212 that I paid $30 for and a Corsair H50 that I paid $55 for at my local bestbuy. Which one would you recommend I use? I don't want to open them both as I will sell...
  14. J

    Antec Truepower 2.0 550 - ok for 2600k?

    Thanks for all the tips. I went ahead and got this one from the hot deals forum. should be good I would hope for $129. Gold certified.. John
  15. J

    Antec Truepower 2.0 550 - ok for 2600k?

    Thanks guys. I will certainly be upgrading given what you have said, but I don't all that often, so I will try and grab a 750 or so PS so it will last me through some growth.. Hopefully the tp750 comes back on stock soon. John
  16. J

    Antec Truepower 2.0 550 - ok for 2600k?

    Thanks for the reply. Newegg seems to be out of their 750's. I guess I will wait a bit unless someone can recommend a good equivalent for ~$100..
  17. J

    Antec Truepower 2.0 550 - ok for 2600k?

    I have a 2 year old Antec Truepower 2.0 550. Has worked well for me on my current setup. If I am getting an Asus P8P67 Deluxe and 2600K, do you think this will work ok? I have two SSDs, two DVD writers and 2 standard HD's along with an ATI HD4850. I plan to OC and hope to get in the...
  18. J

    E0 Q9550 Temps

    Thanks for the response. So if all the cores report different temps, what is the standard practice for reporting your OC temp? Like you said - 65 with IBT or 56C with prime. Is that an average of your cores? Lowest, highest? Just trying to make sure I report correctly if I have questions...
  19. J

    E0 Q9550 Temps

    I have a E0 Q9550 and at stock idle my temps are 37/34/39/38. At full Prime95 load at stock it is 51/47/52/49. Do I have something not seated right to have a 5C difference between cores? What is a good overclock temp under prime95 load?
  20. J

    4870 Xfire question

    Thanks guys. That was quick!
  21. J

    4870 Xfire question

    I currently have an ATI Diamond 4870 512MB card. If I want to get another is there anything specific I need to stay away from or will any 4870 work? Would I get any benefit if I got a 1GB card as my second one, or would I basically only be able to use 512MB since my first card is 512MB? Thanks!
  22. J

    I think I've found a vendor with really cheap 90nm Athlon 64s in stock...

    I got in. I appreciate the heads up. They have charged my card, but could still cancel my order. hope it ships. This was a nice price in my mind.
  23. J

    Anyone know where to buy a graphics card that takes PayPal?

    give this guy a beer.
  24. J

    3DMark threats [H]ardOCP **FUNDING**

    I'm with you. When I saw that $150K number it opened my eyes to just how profitable this site really is. I don't think Kyle will be asking for donations anytime soon. And good for him. A lot of work has gone into this site over the last 5+ years (that I have been coming here). He has...
  25. J

    ATI Radeon 9800 Pro or NVidia 6800 NU?

    I would say the 6800NU is by far a better card, but you can get some good deals in the FS/FT forum on the 9800 pro. A 9800 pro for roughly half the cost of the 6800NU would not be out of the question. When I factored that in.. I figured I would save the money.. The 9800 pro runs all the...
  26. J

    9800 pro 60hz in games

    Interesting thing. I downloaded the Omega drivers for my card.. Now the refresh rate comes up what it is suposed to.. I guess this is a "feature" of these drivers? at any rate, I am a happy camper(no pun intended) now. If anyone is having the same issue, you might want to try...
  27. J

    9800 pro 60hz in games

    Thanks! And yes.. 60hz hurts my eyes.
  28. J

    9800 pro 60hz in games

    I just got a 9800 pro, and it seems whenever I play a game it puts my monitor at 60hz no matter what resolution. With my old video card I could set it to use a default rate at a resolution. Is there no way to do this with this ATI card? I hate playing 1280X1024@60hz, when my monitor does...
  29. J

    9800 Pro or 9600 XT?

    I picked up a 256 meg 9800 pro from the forums for $160 Shipped two days ago.. Just keep your eye out. I would recommend them hands down. John
  30. J

    looking at the fortron 530W, but the 12V??

    Why the heck is the 12V so low on the 530? Everyone talks to highly of it, but this concerns me. Should I be? There are others in the same price range (or close) that seem to have almost double the Amps.. Thanks for any input.. I hope to buy a new power supply in the next day or so...
  31. J

    Am I the only one that already feels like deleting 3dmark 2005?

    my car has 400 rwhp, and I spend loads of cash to make it go tenths faster in the 1/4th and 1/8th.. But I still am deleting this piece of crap.
  32. J

    Post your 3dMark 2005 scores here. (Link to list in 1st post)

    compslckr- nope.. that is about right for your rig...
  33. J

    FS: 9800pro 256mb

    ufarch - could you send me your paypal? You need to delete some of your PM's before you can send it to me. Thanks John
  34. J

    FS: 9800pro 256mb

    He already sold it to me.. I am just waiting on his paypal.
  35. J

    11.63V +12 measured by DMM

    Thanks. I was looking at the fortron 530W. Is that basically the best bang for buck? Also what about the future? BTX and all that stuff. Dual processor? Thanks! John
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    11.63V +12 measured by DMM

    Is 11.63 measured by DMM too low? I have a 350W sparkle power supply with this stuff - Koolance and all the crap that comes with it Athlon mobile 2600+@2500mhz Nf7s 2.0 two hard drives (WD 160's) DVD-RW DVD-R ti4200 <- going to upgrade soon I am perfectly stable now, but I know my...
  37. J

    PNY 6800GT Pros

    to be honest a friend of mine was having the exact same problem. He put a new PS in, and all was fixed... I noticed you said 450W, what brand is it? His problem was periodic drops in the amount of power his rig was getting.. Just a suggestion.
  38. J

    Radeon 9800 Pro 256mb for $150

    I placed my order right after the initial post on this.. I just talked to them, and it is actually a 128meg, not 256, AND it is $149 + $10 shipping. but they say it is a pro.. Not sure if it is such a good deal now.. they are basically just asking if I want to cancel my order. John
  39. J

    OC'in a 3000+ 90nm

    Here is a review I just saw. show 90nm running cooler actually. Edit - Can you tell I lurk a lot? regged in 2000, and still a newb... ugh.
  40. J

    Where can I get a mobile 2500+ or 2600+ has them. I got my 2500 and 2600 from newegg though.