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  1. M

    6970 Crossfire Crysis 2 Performance Questions

    Its running better. I tried using the older cap as well as radeon pro for the FEAR solution. At the end of the day, after the reinstalls, reboots, etc the micro-stutter is gone. Go Figure. Combined with the fact I can now run at 2560x1600 (Extreme settings) with VSYNC. FPS hasn't increased...
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    6970 Crossfire Crysis 2 Performance Questions

    Negative. Its more like when the frame rate drops into the 30s (on big, expansive scenes) the screen motion doesn't feel smooth (almost jerky, perhaps its micro stutter). I've found vsync makes things better, but doesn't completely solve. This situations aren't common, but enough to be...
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    6970 Crossfire Crysis 2 Performance Questions

    Thanks for the replies, guys. I guess it is cry engine, after all.
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    6970 Crossfire Crysis 2 Performance Questions

    Hello all. I'm looking for some expert opinions...I recently built a new machine with the following relevant specs: 2600k @ 4.6Ghz (58C under full load) Z68 MB 2x 6970s in crossfire (latest drivers / app profiles) 8GB (4x2) Can anyone tell me if the following Crysis 2 performance is...
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    FPS Question - Crysis 9800GX2

    Greetings all - I recently built a new system with the following specs: Q9450 (not overclocked) 4GB DDR3 7,7,7,20, T1 @ 1333Mhz (Linked to FSB speed) EVGA 790i Motherboard EVGA 9800GX2 Vista x64 Heat: 40 C idle / 50 Load Latest Drivers / MB Bios / Etc. Anyways, I'm having...
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    BFG6800 Ultra OC - Bios Update Question & EQ2

    I ran 3dMark 03 again last night and scored a 12,232. The card run EVERYTHING else wonderfully! I also flashed my video bios to the latest one last night. System runs fine, but still no improvement in EQ2. So I'm flat out of ideas. Check out the EQ2 technical forums...they are on...
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    BFG6800 Ultra OC - Bios Update Question & EQ2

    Not overclocked anything (except for the video card, which is stocked OC). Just for the record, I tried clocking it down to normal levels, and it did not help. My problem doesn't appear to be resolution dependent - it occurs at the lowest resolution 1024x768 and the highest I can support...
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    BFG6800 Ultra OC - Bios Update Question & EQ2

    Got it :) Thanks, will try it when I get home from work tonight.
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    BFG6800 Ultra OC - Bios Update Question & EQ2

    Thanks very much for the reply! If you could detail the steps, it would be much appreciated. I've done motherboard bios updates, but never for the video card. (I have no problem getting into dos and running it there, just not sure what utility, etc)
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    BFG6800 Ultra OC - Bios Update Question & EQ2

    Hello folks, I have been having a hell of a time with my system and EQ2. My system performs admirably in every other game - HL2, WoW, Farcry, Doom 3, etc - at max or close to max settings. Here are my stats: 3.2 GHz P4, 800 FSB 2x512 (1024MB) Corsair XMS LL Memory Asus P4C800 Deluxe MB...
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    Help with Asus Kv8 bios setup

    Hey there folks - Quick Question for you guys. I'm putting together a system, it has an ASUS KV8 and is using 1GB of Corsair XMS3200 CAS 2 memory.... Settings are 2 - 3 - 3- 6 T1 The bios is a bit strange though... Can anyone tell me exactly what settings I should use on the memory...
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    BFG 6800 Ultra OC Received - *Pics and 3DMark*

    I ordered the card from Chumbo on July 9th. Chumbo is BFG's primary online partner, so I figured it would be my best bet.
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    BFG 6800 Ultra OC Received - *Pics and 3DMark*

    My Asus has 8x, so I'm not sure what the impact might be. I suppose it could have some impact in very, very high req games - like the upcomming doom3. I don't hear of any major performance hits it stuff thats out now though.
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    BFG 6800 Ultra OC Received - *Pics and 3DMark*

    I have an Antec TruPower 530 Power Supply.... check the apparent reqs (right off the box)
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    BFG 6800 Ultra OC Received - *Pics and 3DMark*

    Here it is: Ok, so ran into a problem with my system - not the card, and thought I should mention it. I plug in the card, grab the first two power connectors I can find, and do my obligatory reinstall of windows. All goes well...I download the drivers...I copy over 3dMark2003, and I...
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    WHOOOHOOOO my ultra shipped from chumbo!!!

    Interesting Story actually. I ordered an X800 XT Platinum from Compusa on 6/15.... In early July I was reading up a bit, and I decided the 6800 ultra would be a better fit for me. Cancelled my X800 XT order and put in a order for my 6800 ultra with Chumbo on 7/9.
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    WHOOOHOOOO my ultra shipped from chumbo!!!

    WOOO HOOO! My 6800 ultra from Chumbo shipped as well - with the $4 dollar overnight shipping, I will have it tomorrow! :D
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    What's in your Doom III box?

    Should be A-OK. :D P4 3.2 Ghz on ASUS 875 Mainboard 1GB of Corsair XMS3200 LLPT Memory 2 120 GB 7200RPM Western Digital SE, Raid 0 Array (Highpoint) BFG 6800 Ultra OC Antec 530 W PS Audigy 2 ZS Can't wait for Doom 3..... :)