Search results

  1. G

    Need case suggestions- help please

    That HAF case is too gaudy. I'm looking for something quiet and classy looking. I am trying to find someone in town that carries Li-Lian. They might be a good solution.
  2. G

    Need case suggestions- help please

    I am looking for a new case for a i7 build, and I have looked at every website I can but pictures don't always do them justice. I am looking for a case that has the quality of a mac pro, one that will still look classy in a few years . It also needs to hold four harddrives, dual gpu. I want...
  3. G

    Next piece of gear...

    Take a look at a Tokina 11-16mm -it seems to have better color and iq. Price is also very good if you can find one. check out photography on the they have a lens thread with most of common Canon lens.
  4. G

    Server recommendations

    I want to thank everyone for there help. I think I have narrowed it down to that maybe I just need to buy one server.I think I will just build one for Windows Home Server when I get to that point. Right now I just need to worry about getting my MCSA and other certs. Since I have narrowed it down...
  5. G

    Server recommendations

    Wheres the best places to get a cabinet? Seems ones on evilbay are as much as a server?
  6. G

    Server recommendations

    What about software?
  7. G

    Server recommendations

    Used dell on ebay would be cheaper thats why.
  8. G

    Server recommendations

    I am looking to purchase some used Dell servers. I need some basic specs on what to look for. I am looking to purchase 3 servers. Two of them I need to purchase with a legal license. This is to prepare myself as much as possible for all the exams I plan on taking soon. Yes this is going to cost...
  9. G

    So confused: ready to just order a Dell XPS420 instead

    Ok cool,thanks. I did some research on it and it seems like they come up with stuff just for the hell of it. Just to confuse me......
  10. G

    So confused: ready to just order a Dell XPS420 instead

    Ok I have different question: P35 boards are PCIe x16 and the X38 are PCie 2.0. I wanted the 8800gt since it seems to be a good card in the price range I want to spend. My goal is one 24" Dell and a smaller 19" in portrait or maybe 2-22" Samsung 226bw? Can I use a 8800gt in say the Asus P5E-k? I...
  11. G

    So confused: ready to just order a Dell XPS420 instead

    I have sworn not to own another ATI card if I can help it. I used run Nvidia stuff only and when ATI came out with the 9700 cards they were better then Nvidia so I bought one, and its been a headache ever since. Just seem buggy, but I am open to suggestions,links, etc... People keep suggesting...
  12. G

    So confused: ready to just order a Dell XPS420 instead

    I think I have decided on the P5E or P5E Professional. I havent found any reviews on the P5E professional yet but its it basically the same as the P5e? The Ip-35 pro is a nice board but I have great luck out of Asus boards. Is there any ATI cards that are worth it? Its seems the 8800 gt is a...
  13. G

    So confused: ready to just order a Dell XPS420 instead

    What about the Asus P5E WS Professional? It has the e-sata I was looking for, it probably doesnt overclock well but I need it to be reliable.
  14. G

    So confused: ready to just order a Dell XPS420 instead

    I dont currently do any gaming because the my pc now isnt fast enough but when I did it was a once a night thing. I would like to start playing again, Crysis looks cool. As for CAD- its once a month usually unless I get some extra projects. BUFF- I thought about that but usually when there is a...
  15. G

    So confused: ready to just order a Dell XPS420 instead

    So after reading this forum I have less of a clue on which motherboard to go with. Its time for a new pc to replace the 5 year old one I have now. I have decided on everything I want but now I am not sure what I need now after reading some of issue people have. The new machine will be used for...
  16. G

    Net Admin Burnout?

    No matter what you do, you do have to remember its still called work for a reason. To key is to balance some time to do other things that interest you. That balance is the key to being happy.
  17. G

    One of the major problems with Linux...

    I have the same problem, I tried three different versions and everyone one of them failed to install. I even dled the full version and tried to install them. All failed again. I really want to a have one Linux machine but if they cant figure out how to allow the average consumer to install the...
  18. G

    DSL Modem recommendations

    Hello, Currently I have a Speedstream SBC modem. Its worked fine for years for general surfing,gaming,etc.But now I have to reboot the modem every day. In a few weeks I am going to add some Cisco routers and switchs for studying for the CCNA/CCNP. And I am also going to add some small used...
  19. G


    Ok let me ask this question. I am going to school to get my CCNA then CCNP then CISSP. What books and equipment should I buy? Does anyone have any links to sites that would explain this? I have searched the forum and keeping different answers to what equipment to get.
  20. G

    SG01B - Finally built!

    Where did you get your icons at?
  21. G

    Ok I'm really confused?

    I usually run my stuff in standard mode, no overclocking. I need it work everyday,run cool and be quiet.
  22. G

    Ok I'm really confused?

    Its time for a new pc and with Conroes great performance it looks as if I will build a Intel this time. But I have searched,download a huge excel file and read till my eyes are sore. Still confused. Heres what i want: Raid SLI- I will be using a 7950 at first till they get drivers for quad...
  23. G

    Simple question?

    Ok so no one knows?
  24. G

    Simple question?

    I am planning a new pc build and keep reading stuff about dual monitors with SLI not working correctly. I am looking at a 7950Gtx and using Dual Dell 20" Widescreens. Some of stuff I have read says you only can use one monitor with SLI??? I only play one game online, so mostly building this pc...
  25. G

    Project GTO - 2006 Torrid Red Pontiac GTO - MacMini Carputer - Streetdeck

    Now all you need is to buy EfiLive and you can tune the car going down the road- Very nice job bud!
  26. G

    Dell’s UltraSharp 2005FPW widescreen 20-inch LCD monitor.

    next question: Will my ancient Ati 9500 pro support it? reason is I am building a Shuttle with a AMD X2 and a X850XL but it wont be ready till next month because of the extreme cost.(yes I am stupid for buying a X2 this early)
  27. G

    Dell’s UltraSharp 2005FPW widescreen 20-inch LCD monitor.

    So if I pull the trigger and order one,(I really want to) would I get the coupon even thou I dont own a small business?
  28. G

    Dell’s UltraSharp 2005FPW widescreen 20-inch LCD monitor.

    but u have to be a small business owner.
  29. G

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Can you provide me a link to that desk?? I searched Staples and Officemax but never found it. Please........... I am setting my office and that desk looks to be perfect for what I need.. a million thanks :)
  30. G

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Where did you get your desk? And could you please take some more pictures of it?
  31. G

    AutoCad-Long Saves, Extreme CPU usage?

    What version of Autocad are you using?
  32. G

    about:blank hijack bastards!

    I had that hijack on a friends pc. It basically reproduces the .dll file. All we did is use system restore and rolled the pc back a few days.Problem solved.