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    Microsoft Office 2003

    I have a question regarding Microsoft Office 2003. After you load this program on 1 PC and then Activate it. Can you load it on another PC using the same pin code and everything? Or is it limited like Windows XP is?
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    MVP Baseball 2004

    There are mods out for it? What sort of mods?
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    MVP Baseball 2004

    When Im talking about debth in something like a baseball game. Thats exactly what Im talking about. It's not your normal dynasty, or just your normal baseball game in general. Im picking this up today, and very stoked about that! :D
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    MVP Baseball 2004

    asside from Playstation two controllers with the PC adapter, what other Known controllers (gamepads) are compatible with this?
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    MVP Baseball 2004

    Thats really cool, Im thinking of getting it tomorrow. :D Is the game play for the PC pretty solid?
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    MVP Baseball 2004

    Yeah deffinitely, you may want to wait until your about 5 games in first until you start messing with other things.
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    MVP Baseball 2004

    Every little bit helps, yeah MVP Baseball is the one with Pujols on the cover. From what I have read if you get into the Franchise mode, you not only deal with salary caps and things but you have to juggle with player personalities and keeping people happy and things like that. Sounds like...
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    MVP Baseball 2004

    Looking to get this game for the PC. Does anyone have opinions on it? Obviously those who are baseball fans. I have been reading about it and it sounds like it has alot of depth. :) Is it a good game?
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    Sports Games for the PC

    Thats cool I think Im going to get that adapter. Sounds like the best way to go to me. What are your guy's opinions on the Online play of those games. Pretty stable? Good competition?
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    Sports Games for the PC

    I have not done it myself but I have had a few friends tell me that you can get adapters for the ps2 controllers. :D
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    Sports Games for the PC

    For those of you who have played a sports game such as madden on a Consol, and then played the same game on the PC, does the functionality of it and the game play appear to be pretty much the same? Graphics too?
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    Sports Games for the PC

    Right on, yeah I was planning on getting a game pad. I'm so used to playing on a PS2 that using a Keyboard (I can imagine) would just be too weird. How is the Online experience on the PC? I would assume that it's pretty good. :D
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    Sports Games for the PC

    Basically I just want to know if the PC versions of the sports games are any good..........
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    Sports Games for the PC

    This thread would be for the guys who enjoy playing such sports titles as Madden Football and MLB 2003. I have always played my sports games on Playstation2 as opposed to the PC. I have found that consols seem to play sports games much better. Recently I have given up my playstation 2 and...
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    Doom3 Menus Blurry with Anisotropic Filtering On

    This should be an interesting test. You should post the results on this thread when you find out what the outcome is.
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    ATI 9800pro with Doom3, problems

    This is a good idea, when I get a chance I think I will give this a try. To be honest it runs just fine without being overclocked, most likely I wont really even see a difference but It should be interesting just messing with it.
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    9800PRO White dots in Doom 3?

    Yeah, I had mine overclocked when I was getting the White dots. I always have it overclocked and it only does it on doom3. I un-overclocked it and didnt change anything else and it worked fine. Hmmm......... :confused:
  18. D

    9800PRO White dots in Doom 3?

    I wish I saw this before. I just posted a thread on the same damn thing. Some guy replied and suggested to try running the game with the card OC'd but just under what the ATI Tool overclocks it at. I havent tried this yet but sounds like a good idea. When I ran Doom 3 without the card OC'd I...
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    Doom3 Menus Blurry with Anisotropic Filtering On

    I have a 9800 pro. What I have found when you select recomended settings that Anisotropic filtering is not turned on. Basicly it runs normal with it off. I have had similar problems with Far Cry. Have not tried it with Doom3 yet. I do know when my card is overclocked playing Doom3 I have issues...
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    ATI 9800pro with Doom3, problems

    Ok, so I have a 9800pro and I have had this card for a little while now. I have used the ATI Tool to overclock it. The new ATI tool, the one that basicly auto overclocks the card. It works great with every game I have ever played. However when playing doom 3 I get dots (Artifacts) all over the...
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    What's in your Doom III box?

    MixdNuTs? Or how about "WhiPpednuTs". :mad: Come on man you really gotta be kidding me. Do you get permission from her to take a leak too? Hell does she even allow you to hold it yourself? Grow some balls, get the game, play it for as long as you like and tell that lady friend to keep the beers...
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    Amd Pci Express Boards

    Thats cool, Im not really in the market right now anyway. I will most likely wait at least 6 months or so after they come out as is. Thanks.
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    Amd Pci Express Boards

    Does anyone happen to know if anyone is selling a AMD PCI-E board yet? I have seen intel but have not seen AMD with one.
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    The Future of AGP Video Cards

    Thanks NOID for clarifying the question. You guys have given alot of insite into this subject and I appreciate it. Now that I think about it, it doesnt really make sence for video card makers for example (ATI or NVIDIA) to just drop AGP as soon as the first PCI-E card comes out. I think I will...
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    The Future of AGP Video Cards

    I have a question that sort of has been naggy the crap out of me. I realize that PCI Express is the future of Video Cards and is within fingertip reach of us. However there is a new group of AGP Cards that ATI has released as well as NVIDIA, 16 pixel pipelines and other really nice eye candy...
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    It's possible the sticks could be faulty. There has been two instances when I have had games freeze or my pc in general freeze. 1 was that the RAM was Faulty and or 2 the PC was running at a temperature which apparently was too hot. I slapped an extra case fan in and it ran fine after that. I...
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    Help!!! Lost key and can't get in case!

    Duck Tape Fixes everything. :D
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    Corsair XMS

    Yeah, this stuff is solid for sure. I have XMS PC4000. When I got it I couldnt believe how heavy it felt. It's really solid, really fast and very stable. Undoubtabley some of the best RAM on the Market.
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    Do you have to have an A64 to run 64bit OS?

    Umm, I could be wrong so please, do correct me if I am. What I have heard is that Service Pack 2 for Windows XP will be taking full advantage of the new 64 bit processors. However if you happen to not have a 64 bit processor you will still be able to run Windows without any hangups or "Non...
  30. D

    help me find a black radeon 9800 pro.

    For the money you would spend on a 9800 Pro, I wouldnt risk spray painting it. If the spray paint jacks it up you wont exactly be able to return the card for another one. Any way, thats just my opinion.
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    Whats faster, 3.0C or 3.0E?

    My response would be Sure, Yes and Yes. Any Questions? I dont normally disect processors and I dont speak Binary though I do understand it. With that being said, my original statement was pure opinion and I wasnt stating fact. I was sharing my experience no matter how "Counter Productive" it was.
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    Whats faster, 3.0C or 3.0E?

    Counter Productive? I wasnt at work buddy! I was at home just testing this pc out. I was simply just messing around to see what would happen. I understand how Virus Scan and Defragmentor works. Thanks.
  33. D

    Whats faster, 3.0C or 3.0E?

    I can tell you it runs hotter yes, but the heat isnt a factor when it comes to performance. I do have to say that I was defragmenting my hard drive and running a Virus scan at the same time and it didnt Flinch. That is HT Technology with the 1Mb L2 Cache for you.
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    P4 3.4ghz 800 Vs AMD 64 3400+

    Do the AMD 64's run as hot as the Intel Prescotts?
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    3.2Ghz Prescott Running Way Hot!!!!!!

    Thats got to be beefy as hell. That case better be made out of Titanium or something. Or he better have about 30 fans, surely the components inside are melting.
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    Processor Cooling

    Im looking for Opinions on what the most effective CPU Fans are. Not necessarly the ones that look the best but more or less the ones that work the best. Anyone have any Ideas?
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    3.2Ghz Prescott Running Way Hot!!!!!!

    This is my first experience with a Prescott. Before I had a P4 2.2GHz with a 400Mhz FSB and it ran at like 38c. What through me off with this processor is that the paper work it came with say's that if it runs any higher than 38c that it could damage it. I guess thats just Lazy Intel using the...
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    Does anyone have experience with this stuff?

    I have my eye's on this memory. Does anyone have enough experience with it to let me know if it runs well? It's Dual Channel. Corsair XMS ProSeries - Memory - 512 MB x 2 - DIMM 184-pin - DDR - 500 MHz / PC4000
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    XP Pro Upgrade Version?

    I used a XP Pro Upgrade disk to install XP on my system. I didnt have an existing Operating system on it and it installed just fine as if it's Not the Upgrade Version, and as if it's just your regular XP Pro OS.
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    3.2Ghz Prescott Running Way Hot!!!!!!

    Question: Is it a normal thing for a 3.2GHz Prescott to be running at around 60c? I have good Arctic Thermal Paste and I tried the standard CPU Fan that it comes with and the Coolmaster Jet 4 fan. There really wasn't much difference between the two fans temperature wise. 60c or between 158 or...