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  1. R

    trouble installing drivers (win7)

    Hope someone could help me out - I'm unable to install drivers for my video cards. I just received my BFG GTX 285 to upgrade from my BFG 8800GTS 512. Pull out the new card, hook up the new one, boot up, and Windows detects the card as just Video Controller (VGA Compatible). Try to use the Win 7...
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    keyboard - usb vs ps/2

    thanks all. i've run into that problem with 5 keys pressed at once and it not registering correctly. but that really doesn't happen on a regular basis. i really want a keyboard like my old one by MS. it had 2 usb ports on the back of it so i could plug my mouse into that. none of the KB's that...
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    keyboard - usb vs ps/2

    i'm currently using a logitech ps/2 keyboard and have no real issue with it, but i was wondering if there is any kind of advantage to using a usb keyboard - specifically for gaming purposes.
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    Asus P5K Deluxe WiFi and new 8800GTS 512MB

    I have the same problem. Since i only have 4 SATA drives (2 hdd & 2 optical) I was able to use ports 3-6. Unfortunately, the BIOS doesn't like this very much and I have to hit F1 to proceed with the boot process since it doesn't detect anything on port 1. I will probably get around to using...
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    8800gts 512 vs 640 clock for clock?

    Pretty much every review is stating that the new 512gts cards have a healthy performance lead over the old 640 version. But they always seem to be going against a stock clocked 640 version. If you overclocked a 640 version to the same clocks as a 512 (or underclocked the 512), which would be...
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    underclocking in 2d mode?

    Are there any issues with underclocking the core on my 8800gts while in 2d mode? I have mine oc'd to 600mhz while in 3d, but i'd like to keep everything as cool as possible while they aren't being used. would there be any decrease in 2d/windows performance or when watching video if i underclocked?
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    Post your "rate my cables" here

    I'm not exactly certain what you mean, could you describe that more?
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    Post your "rate my cables" here

    That's it exactly. It came with the NUUO power supply. I was surprised that it was brushed black aluminum like the case. I don't really use it, but it looks cool so why not? It looks great to me, but it's kinda overwhelming to most people who see the room. Plus, it gives everyone a greenish...
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    Post your "rate my cables" here

    Here's my latest build and wiring attempt: If only the pci-e cable was a couple inches longer, I'd be able to hide it much better. I didn't want to cut a hole for the 24pin or pci-e cable, so they are going around the motherboard tray. I really wish I could have gotten a black pcb 8800gts...
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    2006 Post Your Workstation

    Thanks everyone! The room looks great in that color, the problem is that everyone who goes in there looks ill because of the light reflection. Exactly what I need, to look more pale and sickly when sitting in front of the computer :rolleyes: I'm 27 acutally :D I've had that poster for...
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    oogiecube2 (aka clearoogie)

    Very nice! The one thing that I'm not a big fan of though is the cd rom, just too plain. Even a regular black one would look nicer I think. Nothing else about your setup is "beige"
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    2006 Post Your Workstation

    now it looks like i copied CbtEngr w/ the case stickers, but mine you don't see unless the side panel is off :D wow, we even have the same stickers.... and close to the same equipment, though yours is much more hardcore than mine....... and yes..... i like the color...
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    Post your "rate my cables" here

    Here's my newest build. First time I've ever really paid attention to running the wires nicely. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to give advice. I wish the pci express cable was longer by a few inches, that way I could have run it through the HD cage. Here's a pic w/ the...
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    Zalman 9500 panaflo fan replacement/mod

    check this page out:
  15. R

    Corsair XMS 4000 not stable @ rated speed

    I have the 2g 4000pt kit and I'm having problems running it @ 250mhz as well. I haven't done too much testing though. When prime testing, it errors out in a few seconds when testing w/ Large FFT's. It seems to run fine @ 250 in apps and games, but I'm not prime stable at stock cpu speeds w/ the...
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    wireless keyboards for gaming?

    are the current wireless keyboards any good for gaming? i've used an older wireless keyboard from logitech, and i noticed a bit of lag (like the older wireless mice have). with the new models of wireless mice, there isn't any real lag, but i was wondering if the keyboards are the same?
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    Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

    i already adjusted the rgb values, and the colors look great. the blacks are still grayish. i've turned the brightness all the way down to 0, but there's no change in the black level. i'm very satisfied w/ the color reproduction and the brightness, just wish there were better blacks. this is my...
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    Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

    i just got mine on friday and im loving it. i do have a single dead subpixel that is stuck red when the screen is white, but it doesnt really bother me. i know that the contrast is locked when using dvi, but is there any way that i can up the contrast? i hope that there's a way i can get deeper...
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    Any UT2k4 retail sightings ?

    i went to my local best buy today (springfield,va), and i picked up a copy of the DVD version. they didn't have any copies on the shelves, but i asked one of the clerks, and they got me a copy from the back. they had both cd and dvd versions. you just need to ask them about it. and it was still...