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  1. T

    connection problem.

    If you are not using the wireless part of your router then turn off that feature so that no one else can jump on your network. You should be able to find adequate information on the companies website. As for the PC have you completely formatted the hard drive and installed everything fresh...
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    Are ipods reliable?? Got mine yesterday and already having problems

    I bought my 20Gb iPod brand new and haven't had a single problem with it. If they are going to send you a new one for free then go for it! I just got into Podcasting too and they are great to listen to on the way to work. No company can eliminate all hardware problems, that's just the way things...
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    any program?

    iSync should be able to communicate with your phone.
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    Low Profile HTPC Hardware Questions

    Yeah, that's true. Buying a new motherboard would be about the same price as a sound card these days. Oh well. Here is what I have found so far. This case: and this mATX motherboard...
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    Silverstone Nimiz- Show your pics

    This the case? Inside pic for those interested: I would say you could put water cooling in here fine. Probably have to put the radiator on the top or take up most of the hard drive bays...
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    Low Profile HTPC Hardware Questions

    I want to use a low profile case for my HTPC. I have a low profile GeForce 2 MX400 PCI 64MB DDR video card (I'm on a tight budget), I have a motherboard with a 1.7GHz Intel Celeron processor (spare lying around), 512MB DDR2700 RAM and now I need an internal TV tuner and a low profile sound card...
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    Watercooling w/Innovatek -- where can I get quick connectors?

    Are these what you are looking for?
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    Quietening Case

    You need to see what the loudest parts are. Generally this is the CPU fan. One fan I have used in comps I built for other people is this one: In my case I use these fans for the case fans and even replaced the fans above the...
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    Where did all the chieftecs go?

    Just bought one for parts to repair some mod work gone really wrong in my Koolance modified case. The parts swapped out great. I bought it from:
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    Is there any need for the 6pin Aux plug from the PSU?

    Thanks for the replies. I will probably cut it off for now but make sure I can reconnect it in the future if I need it for either power for mods or misc. hardware. That's the great think about modding, you can add and remove stuff at a whim. :)
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    Is there any need for the 6pin Aux plug from the PSU?

    The title says it all. I'm resleeving my PSU and have never used the 6pin Aux plug in my PC. I have seen it used in older PCs but is there really any use for it in a modern PC? I'm planning on cutting the wires off (leaving enough to resolder on wires if it does prove useful in the future)...
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    Suggestions of tape for wire manage.

    You can check out this thread I started on wire hiding, it has many good links others posted and tips on hiding wires: As for attaching wires to the top of your case I have used these in the past and they work very well and will not come off...
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    Extreme wire hiding, how can it be done?

    I have made the first step in improving wire management in my case. I thought you all would like to see this and maybe consider doing something similar in one of your cases. I don't have a full write up yet but I have a bit posted in my blog with some pictures...
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    power buttons

    Most likely the connectors (or some of them) will work, just have to test and find out or look at a wiring diagram if it came with one. There is also a number of switches available from FrozenCPU. I especially like the military switch look but it doens't work with my case very well (though could...
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    Extreme wire hiding, how can it be done?

    Thanks for the additional links, I will be able to take some ideas from all of them. I'm also going to look into adding mirrors in as I really like that look. Thanks again. :)
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    Extreme wire hiding, how can it be done?

    Thanks everyone, those are some great suggestions, and some great pics. I'll be incorporating all of this and will post the results and some construction pics in a week or two when I get it all done. Some great ideas and a couple things I have not considered at all. Thanks again.
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    Need White Sleeving

    Um... Frozen CPU does have white: White sleeving: White heatshrink: It's not a kit but just open one of the kits, look at the measurements and buy the correct amount.
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    Need help choosing a case.

    I like these cases. I don't have one of this series but I have one of the older ones. No window but that is something you can easily add yourself. I love my case and think these people do a...
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    Extreme wire hiding, how can it be done?

    Alright, I know how to sleeve cables, I know how to do some good wire tucking, but I'd like some examples or a how to on extreeme wire tucking / hiding. I don't want even sleeved cables hanging around in my PC. I have done some of this before but it still didn't look that great. I was wondering...
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    'Switcher!' - purchased an ibook, few questions.

    What do you mean by stream? Are you interested in turing it into a streaming radio station (with your mp3s) or just sharing the music files?
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    Best audio editor for OSX?

    Garage Band by Apple has received some excellent reviews:
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    Molex Removing Tool

    Here you go: They also have a tool for the 6-pin aux connector in the same category as well as the standard molex pin removers.
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    This Koolance case any good?

    I have a Koolance case and I love it, one of the best purchases I have ever made. I think Koolance does an excellent job on their water blocks too, especially now that they have the quick connect ones. I wish I had enough money to replace the older blocks I have. ;) If you can afford Koolance -...
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    Nuub to watercooling and I have some questions

    I use a full Koolance solution: Koolance also sells the Exos which is an external water cooling solution and is a very good choice for a newbie. I have one of the tower cases: You can generally expect to spend $200...
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    Can't burn 700mb?

    What does it do exactly when it doesn't burn?
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    Question about iTunes and third-party MP3 players...

    You can also just burn an audio CD then rerip it to get rid of the DRM protections too. But yeah, it isn't that easy.
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    The Water Cooling Dream?

    Instead of making a box to split it you could just use two y hoses: If you wanted to make a box I would suggest acryllic/plexiglas instead of Lexan and then use acryllic solvent to seal it since it will provide you with a water...
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    Apple components

    To take advantage of some of the real time editing tools in Final Cut Pro you also need a 1Ghz G4 or higher so I'd look into getting one that meets those specs. It's more expensive but you need the speed for editing video. I have a 600Mhz G3 and rendering video on it takes forever and a day! :(
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    Apple components

    Yeah, they aren't cheap and they aren't easy to find. Apple does this on purpose so that people can't make and sell clones of their comptuers. I don't know where to get desktop parts but you can get laptop components here: but I have a feeling that eBay will be your...
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    What do I use to dye my WC color?

    I don't think having to perform maitenence like that is worth it. For $10 you can get the Frozen CPU dye and not have to do any of that. Your hoses won't discolor and you don't have to flush your system. Not to mention all the time wasted doing that. I'd stick with professional products that are...
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    FireWire Problems

    Could be a hardware malfunction on either the PC or the drive. I just worked on a laptop that had a similar problem with the ethernet card where it looked fine and dandy on the PC but it wasn't online and the lights weren't on on the card. It even passed all of it's diagnostics in it's little...
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    Is your comp. "bullet-proof"? In other words, what do you do for your comp's health?

    To begin I run a hardware Firewall/Router with some fairly aggressive settings. On my Mac: Firewalk X 2 for my firewall needs. And that's it... no need for anything else. I used to have Norton AV Corporate on here but didn't bother after I reinstalled from the FileVault fiasco when...
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    What brand of RAM was used with my 9800SE?

    Do you mean this: They don't have my specific card listed but I can see if I can figure that layout out in respect to my specific card. Why does this matter as far as the BIOS is concerned? I could do this mod, just wondering why it...
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    What brand of RAM was used with my 9800SE?

    I have heatsinks on the RAM but I did take one off and there wasn't any brand printed on the RAM. I'll give the Radlinker program a shot though. Thanks.
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    FS - 1.7Ghz Intel Celeron Processor w/ Factory Heatsink and Fan

    My old motherboard had issues with overclocking so I wasn't able to OC it, sorry.
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    FS - 1.7Ghz Intel Celeron Processor w/ Factory Heatsink and Fan

    1.7Ghz Intel Celeron Processor w/ Factory Heatsink and Fan, it is used but still runs great. Only about 6 months of use on it while I saved up for a P4. I do NOT have the original packaging. It is a P4 based Celeron. Specs: 1.7 Ghz 400Mhz bus Socket 478 NewEgg lists this as $56 new...
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    What brand of RAM was used with my 9800SE?

    I am interested in putting one of these on my 9800SE: but I don't know what brand of RAM was used, thus which BIOS to use with the card. I have an ATI (built) Radion 9800SE with TSOP memory, 4 pipes, 128bit (:(). I can post any of the serial numbers or...
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    Please Help ~~~~~~

    Did you do an upgrade from a previous OS then? If so you can try to uninstall XP if you opted to be able to when you upgraded. It sounds like something fishy is going on so anything could happen. If you have access to another computer you can try to make a bootable Windows CD using BartPE and...
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    Computer Made From Spares... Uses?

    It again depends on what you want to serve. If it is just a web server then you can use Apache: Which runs on Linux and Windows. What web languages do you know? I use PHP with a MySQL database. You can get MySQL here: and PHP here...
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    Building new PC, do I have the right cable for my SATA hard drive? Urgent!

    Yes, you can use the 4-pin power connector. If you have a SATA drive that doesn't come with one and your PSU doesn't have a SATA connection then you would have to use one of these: Since yours already has a 4-pin power connection you...