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  1. N

    VERY quiet fans

    They have excellent customer ratings on Reseller Ratings. Platinum Plus Award Six-Month Rating: 9.61 Lifetime Rating: 9.66 I might get a 120mm to replace the absurdly loud Antec I'm using now.
  2. N

    critique please

    I would say that with a bit more depth-of-field on the two macro shots (Fungi and grass) you would have yourself some very nice photos. I really like the dewdrops!
  3. N

    anyone still use film?

    I originally used a really old AF EOS when I first started out. But then my mom let me at her old Contax and I have bearly used anything else since. In my opinion, I learned so much more by using a full manual camera than I would have using the new F717 we just got. So, those of you who use...
  4. N

    19" Monitor What's it Worth?

    Would CTX be related to TTX, perchance? I'm using a TTX monitor right now. It's quite old and I've never had any trouble with it.