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  1. H

    The Totally Awesome Directron Drawing!

    I have been using AMD processors since the K7. Some of the best CPUs available. Kudos to AMD. They were also smart enough to but ATI. :)
  2. H

    Galaxy - 8 weeks of Free Video Cards @ [H] - Week 1

    Thanks for the Contest. I'M in
  3. H

    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    I"M in for X2
  4. H

    PC reboots by itself at least once a day

    I have it back at 2.4 now. My cpu cooler is a Tthermaltake Spark7+. I have a Hardware monitor running and the temps never get past 50C. If it keeps this up I am going to use your suggestion of reseating the cooler. Thanks again for the help :rolleyes:
  5. H

    PC reboots by itself at least once a day

    I have already reformatted the hard drive and reloaded winxp pro sp2 I also forgot to mention I had it clocked to 3 gig. The ram and agp were locked at normal. I tried boosting the ram vltge a little. It still reboots. I just set al speeds to default in bios. Thanks for any help.
  6. H

    PC reboots by itself at least once a day

    I have a P4 2.4C on a IC7-G MB. The only thing I have changed lately is adding 2 more 512MB sticks of Corsair VS Ram I got for Christmas. I have 2 hard drives,1 pata,1 sata, . I have 2 Optical drives , 1 DVD reader Toshiba, 1 DVDrw Liteon. I amrunning a thermaltake Silentpurepower 480W PS...