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  1. H

    Problem with DMA (Linux)

  2. H

    Problem with DMA (Linux)

    okay guys, i finally got it working, i had to guess the driver as i doesnt make any sense that i sould have an intel i815 driver in my kernel for my via chipsset :)
  3. H

    Post your Linux Programs

    centericq for all your icq, msn and ... well all messaging needs :) and irssi for your IRC needs :) its very powerfull if you want to do all messaging needs over a server with screen and an ssh connection, i use this alot, iam using a...
  4. H

    Problem with DMA (Linux)

    i should properly add that its an little old box here are the specs Dual Pentium 3 512mb PC133 apacer RAM Motherbord: Abit VP6 uhm, there is a onboard raid controler, however iam not running with raid, the disks are just spend on them. But the disks on the raid controler is running fine...
  5. H

    Problem with DMA (Linux)

    Hi First of all, sorry for this bad english you're about to read :) iam haveing this problem, since i kompiled a new kernel, i cant get my root drive running with dma, and i cant figure out whats wrong with my kernel config. Here is an output from hdparm: /dev/hda: multcount =...