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  1. L

    DFI Lanparty Ultra + 3200+ Retail 299.00 @ FRY'S

    just so you know, i'ts the dfi lanparty ultra 250gb, which is the nforce 3 chipset, socket 754. I was kinda of hoping it would be the nf4 ultra-d, but it's not
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    why get a psu with super high wattage?

    lucky! yeah, i read that thread about the temps affecting the psu, and that's a very good call. I'm almost positive im' going to get the neopower now, i was just wondering if i was falling into a hype trap and wasting money for no reason. I think that happens to a lot of people when they buy...
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    3d Mark Scores A64 3500+

    yeah, it sounds like the bottleneck in your system is your videocard. The 9800 Pro is a great card, but your processor can throw more at your card than it can handle
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    why get a psu with super high wattage?

    haha, yeah, as i was walking to another building i realized i forgot to put the dvd burner i am using in the list. When i went to those calculator sites though, i put those in and still came up with a figure of around 330 Watts. As i was walking i also realized that if you are going to be...
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    why get a psu with super high wattage?

    I've been reading around the forums for awhile, and i've been checking out those psu calculators that IceCzar has put up, and I keep noticing that for a system that equals something roughly like this: Athlon 64 3200+ Geforce 6600 GT (i'm guessing the wattage on this one, and said it might be...
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    Best laptop brand?

    sony's are some of the worst laptops you can get. The support for them is pretty bad, and it won't let you change operating systems at all. We had a laptop that was "built for 2000" at my work and we went to install XP, which should've worked fine. When we tried to install some drivers from...
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    putting on an old hsf for nb

    at work i was gutting an old computer and was removing this old hsf from a pentium system that we had, and i noticed something on the bottom of the heatsink. I plugged it into a pc and realized that it was a small peltier cooler attached to a aluminum hsf! it's a fairly small unit, but the...