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  1. E

    Make your own custom airduct out of Ziploc® bags - 13 cent mod!

    Why used? If you use new ones, the smell will last longer, and it's like those Glade fan fresheners for your room.
  2. E

    Holiday Greetings to the [H]orde

    happy christmas!
  3. E

    One less fan in my case.

    I bought one of those Zalman northbridge heatsinks a while back, but never installed it because Abit is stupid and doesn't use pushpin connectors for the northbridge heatsink like normal manufacturers. It's been sitting in a box for almost a year, and I finally got sick of the northbridge fan...
  4. E

    Keyboard Lube?

    Any sort of epoxy you get at the hardware store will work fine. I had the same problem (although I spilled Orangina), and my keyboard works fine now.
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    Going retro is totally hipster.
  6. E

    WTB- mobo/CPU/RAM combo

    Bump in da trunk.