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  1. D

    Wow, no market for 754's

    I just picked up a biostar for $59 off newegg. I also got an ENERMAX 535W psu and a one gig stick of 3200 ocz ram. I am a big abit/antec/xms fan but these got good reviews and knowing how easy it is to rma from newegg is a big relief. Thx for the help...
  2. D

    Wow, no market for 754's

    Jetway does have this board that has both 754 and 939 which may be a good option for me but going from abit to jetway scares the hell out of me. Plus the dual core mb is bound to have alot of problems.
  3. D

    Wow, no market for 754's

    I'm not looking to upgrade my processor right now. I only mentioned the 3700 as a possible future upgrade, but really that's not a large enough jump for me to consider going from a 3200. I am dissapointed that the 3700 is the top of the 754 line right now. The point being I have to get a...
  4. D

    Wow, no market for 754's

    That board looks like it has (2) pci-e x 1 and (1) pci-e x 16. Would I not need to run the sli with (2) x16's? Just don't want to limit myself. Although I would like have room for a pci-e sata raid card.
  5. D

    Wow, no market for 754's

    I can't varify the FSB because I can't view the product details on newegg since they don't carry it anymore. My current mb is the abit agp w/1000MHz FSB (I believe KV8 pro). That board is 800 but if it works I don't really care. Thx. for the help
  6. D

    Wow, no market for 754's

    I bought an athlon 64 3200+ socket 754 w/1000MHz fsb when they first came out. It was a great processor for a great price when I got it (02/04). Now I'm looking to upgrade some, but that seems to be an impossibility. I currently use agp and want to switch to pci-e with sli. Well...
  7. D

    card for fps games

    Well I orginally had the zs and when I went to a small from factor case I no longer had room for it. When I first got it I couldn't tell any difference in sound quality and the fps hit was minimal. Little did I know that they were not going to support it. And I believe since it's just as new...
  8. D

    card for fps games

    Hmm like I said I have an audigy2 and I have to play my games in software mode. fps + audigy2= no gaming
  9. D

    card for fps games

    lol, I have an audigy2 nx which Creative has decided to ignore since it's not a "main stream" card. At least the zs version has had new drivers and now even beta drivers for a workaround. Mine- nothing, not a thing. BF2 doesnt even support the card so I have to run the game in software mode...
  10. D

    card for fps games

    What's a good non-creative card around $100? I'm done with creative, no need to explain why.
  11. D

    For Sale: Computers, Fans, RAM, TV

    Im interested in the 6800nu if decide to part it out.
  12. D

    Corsair upgrade problem

    I have one stick of this that I got last year. CORSAIR XMS 512MB 184-Pin DDR SDRAM DDR 400 (PC 3200) - Unbuffered "CMX512-3200LL" I planned on buying another stick soon after but I went overseas for awhile. I was just looking to buy another stick but it seems to be out of stock. I...
  13. D

    Mister X

    So can we just call him Mister Dude?
  14. D

    Mister X

    I thought I saw where x86dude was our new moderator. Is mister x your new username?
  15. D

    Reccommend me good headphones

    I don't think he's looking for a head set and btw the dsp 500's connect by usb. I have a pair of the 500's that I keep at work it that tells you anything...
  16. D

    Reccommend me good headphones

    Sennheiser's all the way. Especially if comfort means anything to you. I think comfort is the most over looked evalutation of good phones. Senn's have it all - comfort, looks, durability, great sound and a wide range of phones for every taste.
  17. D

    ID3 Data

    I believe music match does that but you have to pay a monthly fee. It fills in every field. I really don't know what else is included in subscription. You might try signing up for one day then canceling it. Reply back to this if you do get a sub., I'ld like to know if it's good for anything...
  18. D

    Speaker and Sound card systems - what do you have?

    Klipsch ProMedia ultra 5.1 Audigy 2 nx (usb) plantronics dsp 500 (headset) HD 555's "Mint" amp A funny story: I just "down graded" my amp and headphones (I had a pair of hd 580's and PPA amp). The 580's suck off of a sound card btw. Plus the 555's have a more up front sound for rock...
  19. D

    what a deal!

    Under $30? I'll help buy it as long as it's underware. I'll even go with her when she tries it on. I'll call it the sex for underwear plan.
  20. D

    what a deal!

    I don't know what their rational is. Yes they are trying to "buy them" but its not as sinister as you make it sound. It's more like they can't help themselves and find the hardluck woman that have no quelms taking advantage of that weakness. I'm not talking about paying her way on a date...
  21. D

    Nice headphone/amp combo or Klipsch ProMedia Ultra 5.1

    I'm not sure why I'm giving you advice, after all I must be stupid because of my low post count. But I just went through what you are doing now. I'ld probably at least get the 2.1 speakers. You'll want to keep some speakers because the phones will start to hurt after a while and for company...
  22. D

    what a deal!

    I have bitterness but it's directed at my friends, not woman. I just have friends that try to buy every woman they come in contact with. One of them has over 50k on credit cards due to this. It really frustrates me to no end to sit back and watch it happen.
  23. D

    Is it me or is Alienware the biggest ripoff ever?

    Don't side with me wizard, some ppl on here might actually think that I'm not drunk. What's worse is they my actually think that I'm smart even though I don't have the post count to follow it up. If that were to happen this whole message board would go to hell.
  24. D

    Is it me or is Alienware the biggest ripoff ever?

    As the "tech" I must say that we put our ghost on the machine, install it, network it and support it no matter who it came from.
  25. D

    Is it me or is Alienware the biggest ripoff ever?

    Actually it was chess, but I suppose king of the hill is more applicable to gamers, my bad. Besides ignorances is bliss and I am bored.
  26. D

    Is it me or is Alienware the biggest ripoff ever?

    I don't care how the king goes down just so long as I am the last one standing.
  27. D

    Is it me or is Alienware the biggest ripoff ever?

    Yes it's the guy who couldn't come up with his own name and interjects comments that add no meaning to the conversation.
  28. D

    Is it me or is Alienware the biggest ripoff ever?

    If you read any more of Orson Scott Card's stuff besides Ender's Game you would be embarrased to have that name.
  29. D

    Is it me or is Alienware the biggest ripoff ever?

    I bow before ender wiggen.
  30. D

    Is it me or is Alienware the biggest ripoff ever?

    Morely needs a Dell is my God t-shirt. A large company like mine has many different suppliers, thus many different typies of comps. For our end users to even figure out witch company they need to call depending on their computer make would be a miracle. Not to mention our users would have the...
  31. D

    Is it me or is Alienware the biggest ripoff ever?

    What and waste a 40 minute call to Dell? Fuck that. They are good for warenties but not fixing things. Especially not for business which brings us back to stupid buiness users.
  32. D

    Is it me or is Alienware the biggest ripoff ever?

    As an IT guy I have access to everything. I also do most of the hardware support since I work nights and there isn't much to do besides run backups. I can throw together and ghost 20 comps on a slow night for my measely $15 an hour so you will have to take your shite to someone else to...
  33. D

    Is it me or is Alienware the biggest ripoff ever?

    Wrong. I support computers for a hospital. We have over 2000 computers and I assure you we pay double for EVERY THING. That's just the way business is done. Put the stupidiest ppl in the position to buy things and see what happens.
  34. D

    Is it me or is Alienware the biggest ripoff ever?

    I was just making a point, no reason for you to take offences. I was referring to the home users anyway. Businesses can get ripped off all they want for all I care.
  35. D

    Is it me or is Alienware the biggest ripoff ever?

    It serves it purpose and has it's market segment just like dell. Dell is for the stupid business users and and aw is for the stupid home gaming users. We would all love to own the company so lets not knock them. We shall just have to make due with making fun of the ppl who are ignorant enough...
  36. D

    what a deal!

    Just another sucker buying stuff for his woman. So how much have you dumped on her so far? I'll guess $5k minimum. When you wanna be dj's out there gonna learn?
  37. D

    Dell's new big dog: the XPS

    Alienware put the bandwagon together then started it moving for everyone else to jump on. Though in truth I believe we the consumers demanded it and forced these guys to listen to us.
  38. D

    cyberpower now has an amd 64 notebook It looks pretty sweet. Like the emachine models it has an ati 9600 but with 128mb of ram. Unlike emachine's you can customize it but over all it is not as good of a deal. AS far as i know they are the only two lappys with...
  39. D

    M12 news

    This was posted by intp on the Relevant text translated: ATI will release the mobile graphics chip M12 sometime later this year. The M12 will feature the desktop R420 core. It is possible that the M12 will be...
  40. D

    worth switching Grado SR60 to Sennheiser HD590?

    That would ba a 580 vs a 590 with out an amp right? Otherwise your comparing apples to oranges.