Search results

  1. X

    Sony Vita handheld, buy or pass on it?

    I never liked the PSP's and I would always get a DS over a PSP.
  2. X

    Screw Microsoft / Xbox Live (IE reqs Live Gold)

    It is frustrating that the apps need a gold subscription but with it only 60/year its not a terrible deal.
  3. X

    Forza Horizon demo out

    What a let down, their series of games were amazing. Hopefully they release another realistic racer.
  4. X

    Need a console: Black Wii U vs Halo 4 360 vs PS3 Slim (not the super slim)

    They all offer something different. I see xbox 360 as the main multiplayer system, however it also has a wide variety of SP games, so my opinion would be to get the 360.
  5. X

    Tell me what games I should reconsider getting or I should get on PlayStation 3?

    Kingdom hearts! that series is amazing. (assuming you haven't already played it)
  6. X

    Your favorite games for surround gaming

    Battlefield BC2 and any racing game really.
  7. X

    Gaming Mice: Why do I like cheap mice better?

    I have been using a super cheap logitech mouse and was considering getting a newer expensive mouse. All this information was great, now I know what to expect and how to help it.
  8. X

    World of Tanks MMO

    I played this game for awhile. It was really fun but got old pretty quick. Maybe I should check it out, it has been a while.
  9. X

    Spec Ops: The Line - Opinions/Thoughts?

    I haven't played this yet, but reading some of these opinions make me want to try it out.
  10. X

    Valve Is Bringing Steam To Your TV Today

    I interested to see how they will do with this integration of steam on TV.
  11. X

    PS3 for $ it worth it?

    If you got the money its a great deal. But you may be able to find a better deal on these forums.
  12. X

    So what are your thoughts on the Wii U?

    To be honest, the Wii U does not interest me in the slightest. If anything I would get it for family fun, but I can just emulate a GameCube or a Wii on my PC.
  13. X

    New Xbox 360

    67" Tv, that is HUGE. I play on a 17" monitor lol.
  14. X

    Should I grab a PS3?

    If you have the money, why not? but for multiplayer I would for with Xbox 360 or PC.
  15. X

    SWTOR Freemium preview

    They just did not make a very good game. They should have gave it more time and worked on it longer.
  16. X

    Treyarch: All COD players should be playing multiplayer

    That is ridiculous, they just want people to get sucked into buying 2x exp and DLC's.
  17. X

    Black Ops 2 - Multiplayer Details

    I am only interested in the competitive match making. But I will definitely not be picking this up for $60
  18. X

    Benefits of MineCraft online?

    MP is amazing for minecraft, so much better than being alone.
  19. X

    Natural selection 2

    This looks amazing! I didn't play the mod but the stand alone looks really fun.
  20. X

    Have you ever won a Steam gift?

    I have never won one, and I don't think I ever will.
  21. X

    What are your top 3 complaints/criticisms of modern non-indie PC games?

    Honestly the difficulty level of SP games are just stupid. Also it is very difficult to find a interesting story that is not over done. Lastly combat needs to be improved from the normal.
  22. X

    league of legends

    you might wanna try to Smite, I didn't enjoy LoL but I love Smite.
  23. X

    Battlefield Bad Company 2 Question

    Wow that person is amazing at BC2.
  24. X

    Darksiders 2!

    I haven't finished the first one yet, but I am excited for the second one as well.
  25. X

    Why bother doing this?

    That is ridiculous, it just almost makes them look desperate for pre orders.
  26. X

    Mechwarrior Online, anyone looking foward?

    This game looks like it would be amazing with friends, maybe even like little lan events.
  27. X

    Lingor Island DayZ. Come play on our server. Private Hive. Admins on.

    Lingor was a great map, hopefully they can port it over to the stand alone.
  28. X

    Crysis 3 multiplayer modes trailer

    It looks like it may be pretty good.
  29. X

    Day Z - experiences and Gameplay videos

    DayZ was one of the most enjoyable game I played for awhile, however hackers and cheaters slowly ruined it. I am excited for DayZ stand alone.
  30. X

    COD Elite going free for Black Ops 2, but still not for PC players

    What are they going to do, start selling 2x exp from Elite?
  31. X

    PlanetSide 2

    I think they have fixed some issues with lag but it still a huge hog.
  32. X

    Counter Strike: Global Offensive

    CS:GO is really fun, brings me back.
  33. X

    Where is Skyrim screenshot thread?

    These screenshots look amazing, I cannot wait to get a new card and start playing on amazing graphics.
  34. X

    If you had a massive gaming backlog, how have you attacked it?

    It is really hard to find time to play some good SP games, I have been meaning to get to some old FF games but been playing new games.
  35. X

    Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

    This game looks amazing, however I don't think I will be picking it up unless its on sale.
  36. X

    Gaming Genres You wish there were more of

    RTS, I know there is a lot out there but the only ones I see people playing are starcraft. The other ones are generally dead and you can play single player or with friends.
  37. X

    DOTA 2

    I always hated the idea of paying for items, it ruins the enjoyment of working for them.
  38. X

    Will there be a Battlefield 2142(3) on Frostbite?

    I never really got into the game, then again I didn't have anyone to try to play it with.
  39. X

    Mini-LAN at my house; advice needed

    Smite could be fun seeing as the team consists of 5 players, so maybe some 5 on 5 or see who can do the best.
  40. X

    What playstation game is this?

    Not a clue, but that is a very enticing little video.