Search results

  1. J

    Minnesota LAN Party: Multi-Player Gaming Day - MPGD #39

    For general repair: you can always try Best Buy, but with mixed results depending on which tech you get. Micro Center is probably the biggest name in the area: Best Google reviews of the mix I've posted here too. I like General Nanosystems...
  2. J

    Minnesota LAN Party: Multi-Player Gaming Day - MPGD #39

    I've been doing LAN parties since the 90s. I was the first of my group to get a Monster 3D card. :) And I too lugged around a 21" ViewSonic monitor. :) Most of us are still playing now, 20 years later. Sign up for the Yahoo! Group and stay in touch. That way you'll get notified of the next MPGD...
  3. J

    Minnesota LAN Party: Multi-Player Gaming Day - MPGD #39

    You are more than welcome to attend. MPGD is a group of gamers that have been gathering to game together 2-4 times a year for more than 15 years. If you are really interested, go to the Yahoo! group MPGD first and register, and read about the party and the games we're planning on playing first...
  4. J

    Minnesota LAN Party: Multi-Player Gaming Day - MPGD #39

    MPGD: Multi-Player Gaming Day is hosting an event, MPGD #39, January 26th, 2013. The event is free, but limited. Read more and sign up for the event on the MPGD homepage here:
  5. J

    wallpapers for 20/30/20 users :)

    The imageshack images are still coming down as 800x256, and this dropbox link returns a 404. Does anyone have a zip of 4960x1600 wallpapers hosted someplace? I can put them up as well, if I manage to get a zip of them from someone. Also, I'm searching for other sites which might have some...