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  1. T

    12Core 63XX better than 16Core 62XX??

    OK - thank you. The performance step is too small.
  2. T

    12Core 63XX better than 16Core 62XX??

    That´s my question. Are there four 6344 ES better for FAH than four 6274 retail?
  3. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    OK. Thanks anyway !!
  4. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    Since last Saturday no problems with the upload! I´m confused: Is the problem now at my side or at stanford´s ??
  5. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    OK - sudo ping -f: LAN Upload/Download: From Windows-PC to Linux-PC: File with 2,7GB in 4min36sec From Linux-PC to Windows-PC: File with 2,7GB in 5min45sec dmesg: Anything like this? Update: The last unit goes out without any issue. I dont know if this is helpfull...?! Update Sunday: The...
  6. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    Is there any atribute for ping -f I must write? Started a test-download with a 1GB-File: Maximum speed with 252Kb/s (This is the maximum from my Internet-connection) Can not start an upload because I have no email or FTP-programm installed here (and I dont know how to do this in...
  7. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    And than this: :confused::confused::confused:
  8. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    Yes - there are five systems in this location. One of them (this one I write now) has problems to. But it is the same: one time it is no problem to send the units. The next day it is´nt possible to send a unit. The other two systems who run for F@H have no problems!
  9. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    I can´t tell you if the units come from the same or different server. How or where can I proof this? Only the server where the units are sent to, is the same. Or is it the server-ip on the pic? Because this is the ip where the client tries to send. About the firewall: Is Ubuntu comming with...
  10. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    I had five ready WU´s in the work-folder. OK - I could not solve the problem! I´ve done as tear has written. The rig was sending data to stanford over hours. I´ve seen this with etherape. In sum a total of 248MB has been sent to stanford. Than, about seven hours ago I started the process, the...
  11. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    New problems again........Can´t get connected to the server! Two finished units are in the work-folder. I get this massage: [11:55:52] + Could not connect to Work Server (results) [11:55:52] ( [11:55:52] Could not transmit unit 01 to Collection server; keeping in...
  12. T

    Problem with WU 7663

    No - not more. And courious - FAHControl goes up to 4% and falls than down to 2%. After this the error appears.
  13. T

    Problem with WU 7663

    Sorry - I´m from Germany and my english is bad. What I mean was, the problem comes when the card is not oced and comes when the card is oced. That was what I mean with "It makes no reason if the GPU is running in normal or oced." This is what I get the hole time:
  14. T

    Problem with WU 7663

    It makes no reason if the GPU is running in normal or oced. As i've written - two GTX680.
  15. T

    Problem with WU 7663

    My System: Core i7 950, 8GB RAM, two GTX680 Problem: The first GPU crunches the 7663 without any problem. The second breaks every time at 2%. I never had any problem with any other GPU-WU. And I've given 4 off the CPU-Cores extra to task core17. What could I do?
  16. T

    New Beta WU P8105?

    @AXm77 When I look at your TPF´s and PPD the water comes in my eyes! With 16 cores more and a higher frequency on each core, I`m shoulder on shoulder with your rig. What the hell............
  17. T

    New Beta WU P8105?

    Would you please give in your results here:
  18. T

    New Beta WU P8105?

    I had 579k PPD with 8104. Now with 8105, I have 513k PPD.
  19. T

    P8104 is coming down!

    Now 8105 is in psummaryC again!
  20. T

    P8104 is coming down!

    Yes, it was in psummary. Made a screeshot:
  21. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    Hmmm...... I´m not sure of the frequency my CPU´s are running. I´ve set: "sudo tpc -psmax 1" The frequency should be at 2500MHz. If I use "cpufreq-info" it show´s, that the current frequency is at 2000MHz with a possible maximum from 2200MHz. Can you show me, how I can read the real running...
  22. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    Thank you tear. Since yesterday it looks like it´s running normal. Between a 8101 and now a 8103 only one smp-WU comes down.
  23. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    OK - I´ve found it! If I disable langouste and start F@H again, the User-ID can not be found. Connection fails over minutes. When I start langouste again the User-ID can be found, core_a3 comes down and a smp-WU is running. What should I do?
  24. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    How can I disable langouste, without demaging any other process?
  25. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    Oh - thank you tear. That´s real loveley.... :p Can anyone tell me what means "CLI" ???
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    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    And where can I find Muskys CLI ??
  27. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    First: I've never read anything about Muskys CLI Can you give me a link please? Second: Must I deinstall the FAH-Client 6.XX bevor installing Client 7?
  28. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    This morning I´ve tried to send the WU´s about stopping the terminal with fah; rename the WU 5 to 1 and start fah; than stop fah; rename WU 6 to 1 and start fah; and so on.... No luck with this. (The tip with ./fah6 -send all comes to late) :-) And langouste starts with the -D flag. Than...
  29. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    Langouste was running the last half year, but I´ve never seen this terminal.
  30. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    Second terminal? Where is a second terminal? Thanks for the tip.
  31. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    Bevor these 7 WU´s I´ve done a reset five times - after every 810x was comming a smp unit. After every reset (including delete machinedependent.dat, queue.dat and work-folder) the results and the points from every WU have been deleted too. If I reset the client again, the WU´s and Points...
  32. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    The next problem is that the WU´s can not be sent. [05:51:32] + Could not connect to Work Server (results) [05:51:32] ( At the moment the 6th WU is running, but no results go out. Do you have a fix for this?
  33. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    OK - thank you for the information. Now I know that I´m not allone..... :)
  34. T

    Newbie needs help with it 6274

    Since one week I have this problem The machine was running normal with a 8101. After this there was a problem with the connection over hours and a normal smp-wu was comming in. I killed ./fah6, making a restart and started ./fah6 again. A 8101 was comming. But after this again a normal...
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    Musky - 1 Billion points

    Congratulations !!!
  36. T

    big beta 8103

    About this post in the beta-forum-section in the FoldingForum I asked my question! But - who has configured his bigadv-client to "beta" ??? ;)
  37. T

    big beta 8103

    Anyone of you have got one? How are the results?
  38. T

    Why only 8101?

    Last 8102 WU at December 20th. Now - one month later on January 18th - I´ve got the next one. Are this units realy so rare?? How much do you get one month??
  39. T

    807x units

    Why are you setting the beta-flag, when you dont want to crunch on beta-wu´s???