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  1. S

    EVGA Push?

    Nothing special going on over here! It's a combination of the usual beginning of month bucks folders, and the increased points return for Kepler cards. Should be some interesting times ahead in the points race! Fold on! :)
  2. S

    News from PG re GPU benchmarking

    Lol, sounds about right given the antics that go on sometimes. I cannot agree with teams deciding where the points go. That would simply devolve into teams arguing for the points to go where it suits that particular team. Points should be allocated by work completed. If it turns out that...
  3. S

    News from PG re GPU benchmarking

    that is NOT two GTX670's (they are GK104) but 2x 650's or 660's, which only have 384 kepler shaders. It appears they are getting ~100K ppd each, and thats a pretty dang low end GPU! To clarify, a 640/650 has 384 Cuda cores a GTX 660 has 960 and a GTX 660ti has 1344.
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    News from PG re GPU benchmarking

    have to agree with this. beta units should be restricted to beta folders. Controlling the group makes it easier to get feedback as well.
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    News from PG re GPU benchmarking

    taken from here 3770k & 2 670's (I have no idea what the frequencies are - not my rig) I uploaded it to imageshack because you can't see images on that forum unless you are a member. Depending on how well V7 is...
  6. S

    News from PG re GPU benchmarking

    Except the CPU client is platform agnostic. So long as you have an x86 processor you can fold on anything so long as it is adequately cooled and you don't mind poor returns. The new QRB bonus is Nvidia only and insofar as the points competition goes automatically renders useless anyone who...
  7. S

    News from PG re GPU benchmarking

    Lets not turn this into a p!ssing match between [H] and eVga. We know that the QRB for GPU has been in the works for over a year. It's not like Stanford woke up yesterday and decided, lets put a QRB on GPU today. They certainly did not do it to aid a particular team, so lets just leave...
  8. S

    News from PG re GPU benchmarking

    I think the problem is that the GPUs can be this much more efficient than SMP, they're just harder to program for. When considering DP FLOPS numbers I think a 4p system is fairly similar to GPU. Their molecular dynamics type of problem works very well in a highly parallel environment and GPU was...
  9. S

    News from PG re GPU benchmarking

    If they leave the current beta testing GPU points system as is when they release to the wild, the yes a 670 will do 2-4 times the PPD of a 3770k depending on the WU. these are the first results of the beta testing though. Unless Stanford can prove that GPUs are that much more efficient at...
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    News from PG re GPU benchmarking

    Lets not get into too much of a panic or start dropping big bucks on multiple GPUs just quite yet. Fairly certain these numbers will be adjusted. Isn't the whole point of this that with GPU now being able to fold the same work as SMP, if a GPU completes that same work in the same time as SMP...
  11. S

    Australian Members

    ***UPDATE**** Looks like eVGA may be taking this seriously :D All Australian users should head over to this new Thread and fill in the survey. Please assist us here as this is a rare opportunity to convice a hardware provider to give Australian buyers a supply line that does not involve a...
  12. S

    Australian Members

    Pity the 680's aren't like that. ranging from $649-699. We still get ripped of in power supplies, cases and fans etc, GPUs have been 20-40% overpriced here for quite some time. You can get a CPU and MB for around the equivalent $US, peripherals are still way over-priced. A direct...
  13. S

    Australian Members

    over on the eVGA forums we are trying to push for them to open an on-line store accessable to Australia. If you would like to support this initiative, please post here and I will link it to that forum. The more potential customers, the more likely it may be that we can get an on-line store...
  14. S

    Thermalright HR-02 Macho CPU Air Cooler Review @ [H]

    bwhahahahaha! :D:D:D:eek: MiniITX??!!!! you won't be able to see the board for the heatsink! Not sure about it being "light". It does weigh in at 1KG!!! It also rocks! keeps my 2600k running 4.5GHZ under 30 on idle and under 60 on full folding load. Can't get much better than that...
  15. S

    [H]ardOCP Team 33 Breaks 10 Gigapoint Unobtanim Barrier!

    Another Evga folding here to congratulate our fellow folders on their awesomeness! :D
  16. S

    7504 - Client Core Communications Error

    The 7504 is a crud batch. Lots of problems with them. Those threads over in FF consolidated into one thread, thats probably why you couldn't find them. they are here I've also had a couple of reports of peoples CPU's running hot (+15-20c) on these units as well :eek:
  17. S

    Thermalright HR-02 Macho CPU Air Cooler Review @ [H]

    have a look at these pics There's a few in there that should give you a good idea. If you want some from a specific angle, let me know and I can take some for you.
  18. S

    Thermalright HR-02 Macho CPU Air Cooler Review @ [H]

    Do you know how much clearance you have from the top of the cpu to the side fan? you need at least 165mm of clearance to fit the HR02. just looked up the case specs and they sat its Case: 49.3cm x 20.6cm x 46.7cm (H x W x D) that should leave you plenty of room,
  19. S

    Thermalright HR-02 Macho CPU Air Cooler Review @ [H]

    Howdy all, my first post in these forums. This review convinced me to get one a Macho when I build my new Sandy Bridge system. You can look at it As previously noted, it is a giant lump of metal. It just squeezes into my CM692. As for RAM...