Search results

  1. M

    Crossfire second GPU not detected

    You need the CROSSFIRE bridge :)
  2. M

    Google+ Traffic Dropping Already?

    This is not surprising. Think about it. Tons of people went there just because it was new to see what it was like. Then they saw the layout and saw that it had less content and pictures and people, etc. and went back to using facebook more; ultimately thinking to themselves that they wonder how...
  3. M

    Feds Tracking Americans' Credit Cards in Real-Time

    This actually isn't about privacy. The issue is that the CIA FBI etc. are above the law and operating covertly against the American people. Read up on the NKVD MGB etc it always starts the same way.
  4. M

    Feds Tracking Americans' Credit Cards in Real-Time

    From reading the comments on this thread it looks like the population is ready to be herded into camps and tortured. I suggest some of you pick up "The Gulag Archipelago" by Nobel Prize winning author Alexandr Solzhenitsyn and learn from history or I assure you history will repeat itself.
  5. M

    Feds Tracking Americans' Credit Cards in Real-Time

    The real issue here isn't whether or not you guys are ok with being slaves but the fact that the government is openly violating the law with impunity. This gangster government will not stop at tracking your every move, study history and realize what happens when the government is above the law...
  6. M

    Corsair HS1 Gaming Headset Give-Away - 5 Sets!!!

    I need me some HS1's because when I'm WoWing at night with my junk headphone/microphones connected to the microphone port and my Klipsch speakers in the speaker port people come bang on my door for keeping them up all night! PLEEEAAAAZZZ! :D
  7. M

    Is the GTX 460 a significant improvement over a GTX 280 OC?

    is it a good upgrade?
  8. M

    BASS headphones

    What do you guys think of these for gaming?
  9. M

    upgrade for GTX 280?

    hmm good to know. suppose my best bet is one 480
  10. M

    upgrade for GTX 280?

    where? What kind of performance comparison is there between a GTX480 and two GTX280s?
  11. M

    upgrade for GTX 280?

    I have 1 GTX 280 in my mobo and I'm gettin some framerate drops in my favorite games when there is a lot going on (pretty much maxxed settings). When I built my system I bought my GTX 280 thinking I'd buy another one in a year and SLI it. Since then, the GTX 280 has been discontinued. Some...
  12. M

    BASS headphones

    k thanks guys
  13. M

    BASS headphones

    I checked these out on Amazon and they look really good. The 250 Ohm version got the best reviews though. What's the difference in Ohms mean?
  14. M

    BASS headphones

    Can anyone recommend some good headphones with A LOT of bass?
  15. M

    About to pick up the EVGA GTX 480 Superclocked ( + )

    that thing is a monster. Anyone else notice that hardware seems to be outpacing software nowadays?
  16. M

    new laptop budget anytthing under 1400

    I'd recommend the Sony F series. With a student discount you can get a siiick computer for like 1200. (i7 + nvidia330)
  17. M

    iPhone 4 pre-order

    that is correct. it is ruining our society
  18. M

    Question: GTX 285 vs 5850

    I always go nvidia for the better drivers. ati's have the flashyness but ive found them to have driver problems that crush performance in certain circumstances.
  19. M

    Best Deal on Intel i7 Quad Core Laptop?

    Here's the best deal on the net: If you're a student like me you get an even better deal. The other nice thing is that the comp...