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  1. Z

    Weird DVI cable issue

    I bought ATI 5870 and did complete install yesterday whilst I had the computer connected my hdtv via DVI-HDMI cable and everything is working fine. Connecting regular DVI cable to my monitor even when the monitor is powered off causes the screen go blank on the second display connected via...
  2. Z

    GTX 480 or 5850 CF

    It's quite weird when everyone is complaining about the temps/noise as neither seems to be issue according to some tests: Noise: Temps...
  3. Z

    My god, dual display GTX480 IDLE is 90 C???

    Card is not even out yet and already you complain. Bought myself one of these 480s, let's see if I will be disappointed.
  4. Z

    GTX 480: Your verdict

    Stability > Power So went with 480gtx, let's see if I will be disappointed or not.
  5. Z

    196.75 drivers dangerous, read here

    I noted odd temps yesterday while playing BC2 on my 9800GX2, thanks for heads up.
  6. Z

    Will you buy Fermi when its release, go 5000 series, or stick w/ 4000/GTX 200

    I will need some serious convincing to swap from Nvidia, so I'll go with GTX480 and try to get my hands on some cheap 5000 series so I can try it out and see how excellent it is myself.