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  1. S

    ATI 9.2 is up

    The 9.2 seems to work on the game I tried (COH), but I can't run 3DMark Vantage without weirdness. I installed it over 8.12 because when I tried to uninstall 8.12 first, there was nothing in the Add/Remove Programs that allowed me to do it (or whatever it's called in Vista). I have a 4870 x2...
  2. S

    I'm so confused

    I got a new computer, core i7-940, ATI Radeon HD 4870 x2, 3GB RAM and I have a 24" Samsung monitor. I ran 3dMark Vantage and got a Performance Score of P15373 (GPU 14503, CPU 18749) and an Extreme Score of X7378 (I forgot to write the parameters). Is that good? BUT, when I put "GPU Scaling"...
  3. S

    Noobie question: DVI or RGB

    Just got a new computer (yea!) with an ATI 4870 x2 card. The monitor I got allows me to attach a DVI cable and an RGB cable. Which should I attach? Both? Which should I use to play games (analog or digital)? Why can't these things come with better instructions?(The last is rhetorical)...
  4. S

    Confirming Components in New Computer

    Other than opening the case, is there a way to confirm that the components you order from a boutique builder are actually the components that were sent?
  5. S

    Monitor Drivers

    After you load the driver for the video card, do you still need to load a driver for the monitor? Could loading the monitor driver harm the video card or those drivers?
  6. S

    New Computer; What 24" Monitor to Buy

    I just got a new computer, with a 1000W power supply, ATI Radeon 4870 x2, Asus P6T Deluxe MB, and i7-940. I currently have a 22" monitor, but I want to move up to a 24" (I can't afford and don't have the space for anything bigger). I'm going nuts reading all the forums, the reviews etc. Can...
  7. S

    I know this is an ultra noobie question, but. . .

    I have an ATI 4870x2 videocard. When I play a game, should I set the control panel to "allow application to decide" and then set all the AA, AF etc. settings in the game itself? Or should I force everything through the card, in which case, what do I do with the game's settings? And when I'm...