Search results

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    Shakira Supports File Sharing

    Just my luck. The one and only artist I buy every CD and DVD going back 15 years. best booty of 1994 photo shoot
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    Craigslist, eBay Fighting Michael Jackson Scalpers

    For someone who hung out with children most of he's adult life, I'm surprised only 2 families accused him of molestation. If I was a betting man I would put my money on him not being a molester. That being said I wouldn't let him babysit my kids, but then again I wouldn't let any of you...
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    Looking for PCI tv tuner

    Looking for a PCI tv tuner for OTA viewing. specs Dell 400SC XPP P4 2.8ghz 3gb ram Radeon 9600 AGP video card HVR-1600 Asus PHC3-100 AVerMedia A180 I couldn't find any info on the Asus card but the specs and reviews look good. Not looking for the most features but...
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    Ikea desk gallery

    This weekend I picked up a Jerker desk exactly like post #6 also with the extra top shelf for $55. It's pretty close to being mint and was used briefly in an office. I often see Jerkers offered on CL for a bit less then mine but I paid more for this one because it was so clean.
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    Dell 2408WFP Now Available

    Can someone recommend a quiet reasonably priced AGP card for this monitor. I'm thinking of buying this monitor but I don't think my radeon 9600 is capable of displaying WUXGA. I don't game.
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    Post your workstation 2008 !

    Hey shastings, the media shelf on the left is exactly what I'm looking for. Where did you get that? TIA