Search results

  1. N

    Cheap Bluetooth Mouse For Laptop

    I am looking for a cheap bluetooth mouse for my laptop. I need to be able to order it from amazon. It doesn't need to be for gaming or anything like that just something better than the trackpad. Thanks, Trevor
  2. N

    15" Laptop with Radeon 7970m and Ivy Bridge

    I am going to be buying a new laptop within the next month, probably when the new 7970m graphics card is available in laptops. I am looking in the price range of about $2000.I am looking at the Sager NP9150: I have it...
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    Looking for: Laptop with 16GB RAM, or expandable to that All of those 15" laptops can have 16gb of ram for as little as $1100. This one can also have 16gb of ram for about $1100. You do not need to spend...
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    DC Universe Online Buddy Code

    I am on the fence about whether or not to buy this game, been playing WoW for awhile and think it might be time for a change. If anybody has a DC Universe Online Buddy Code that they are not using would you mind sharing it with me.:D Thanks, Trevor
  5. N Launches June 17th

    I registered on May 6 and was accepted on May 31. So, clearly accounts are not activated by date of registration.
  6. N Launches June 17th

    I was activated today and it seems like a pretty decent. I played a demo of dirt 2 and assassins creed 2 and they were both pretty playable. It seems like a good solution for anyone who needs a laptop and doesn't want to buy a $2000 laptop.
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    Fan Locations On CoolerMaster CM690

    I have been having some heat problems as of late when playing games and I would like to get this sorted out before I get a 5870. I was looking at my case today and there are a ton of empty fan slots, 2 on top, 1 on side and 1 on the back of the motherboard tray. So, I was looking for another...
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    New M-Itx File Server Build

    I have played with esxi plenty in vmware workstation and I will be using it if I want to install any other os's to play around with. No, I am not sure if ESXi is compatible. I wanted to get a build down before I decided to see if it is compatible with ESXi. If its not then i can live without ESXi.
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    New M-Itx File Server Build

    I am planning on within the next month building an M-Itx File Server. Here is what I have specced out already: I will be installing ESXi on it and if I can, Windows XP. The system will be mostly used as a NAS...
  10. N

    Looking for a Quality set of Headphones

    I am not sure what you mean by TS and TRS and TRRS. It accepts mic and headphone in. and outputs to my controller and also sends sound from my xbox to my headphones. That is what the wire coming out of it is. I do not often listen at max volume just every once in a while. If I made a...
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    Looking for a Quality set of Headphones

    Ok final question. If I often listen to my ipod on max volume with just normal apple-brand headphones; will I need a headphone amp to get that amount of volume to a sennheiser HD555?
  12. N

    Looking for a Quality set of Headphones

    So you think an HD555 with an external mic would be better? Do you have any links to an external mic, clip-on?
  13. N

    Looking for a Quality set of Headphones I need a mic for chat on my xbox 360. I think I am leaning towards the Sennheiser pc-350. I read somewhere that it has HD 595 drivers in it. What is silent cinema?
  14. N

    It's that time of year again! What games are you buying?

    Dirt 2 Modern Warfare 2 Borderlands Need for Speed: Shift or Blur Forza 3 NOT HALO 3: ODST! Maybes: Left 4 Dead 2 Assassins Creed 2 I am pretty sure I am forgetting some. Nots: NOT HALO 3: ODST! NOT HALO 3: ODST! NOT HALO 3: ODST!
  15. N

    Looking for a Quality set of Headphones

    Hello, I am looking for a quality set of headphones around $100. Criteria: Must have a mic Must work with my 360 *edit* I found an adapter that lets me connect any pc headset to my xbox 360. Must work with my computer I will be listening to movies, music and games. So a good all-around set...
  16. N

    Monitor connections Help

    OK, here is my current dilemna. I may buy a hanns-g 28" montior since it dropped in price. However, I need to fingure out a good way to hook them all together. Here are the components: Directv HD reviever Xbox 360 PC with Radeon 4850 22" monitor 28" monitor I need to hook the xbox to...
  17. N

    Software for backup, anti-virus, and maintenance

    I am writing this post for my dad. He is wanting to back-up all four computers on our network. This includes a HP laptop, a Dell desktop, a Dell laptop and my custom desktop. He also wants the software to do anti-virus and maintenance. I have a 640gb WD hdd in my computer that is doing to have...
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    Newegg packaging for hard drives has reached an all time low

    I just bought two 640gb WDs blacks and they were shipped perfectly. wrapped in a layer of bubble wrap and surrounded with packing peanuts.
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    Help moving files to new computer

    Ok so I have been reading some more and VIsta only supports NTFS. So now I need to figure how to convert Mac OS extened format into NTFS Format
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    Help moving files to new computer

    my drive is formatted as Mac OS extended (journaled) so is there anyway to change it to FAT32
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    Help moving files to new computer

    Soon I will be building my computer(parts are in mail) and I was thinking about how I was doing to get all of my files from my macbook running leopard to my new computer that will be running vista 64-bit. Does anyone know any apps or anything to help me? Thank you and if this is not in the right...
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    Three 30" monitors, ATI or NVDA ?

    Why would you not just get 3 gtx280s? No sli. just run 1 monitor on each card.
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    Which mATX MOBO?

    I am planning a build later this fall and am getting what I want to get all ready. I have everything I am doing to get except the motherboard. These are my two options(unless you have a better one.): and...
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    cant decide on which SFF to get for my friend

    Where did you get that SG01 so cheap? Newegg has an SG03 for 90 but its after $40 MIR
  25. N

    Custom Slim Tower build

    OMFG! That case is the most awesome little case I have ever seen. I have a couple quests for you. Does it use a mATX psu? What are the hdd's mounted on?