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  1. K

    Web Site Start up help

    thanks guys I'll be definitely reading this material over thanksgiving break
  2. K

    Web Site Start up help

    Hey guys, I'll be honest right off the bat that I am a complete newb with web design and creation but I really want to get into it. I own a couple of websites, and both of which have template guides that helped me get started. I now want to get away from...
  3. K

    New Messages Computer stalls when recieving Emails in Outlook 2003

    hmmm this seems really weird. Im not sure, but I am not a fan of outlook. I would use something like gmail, or if you already have an email address you want to keep then use thunderbird
  4. K

    So i beat Dead Space..on xbox360..

    is this a scary game? because ill be honest. the flood level on halo 1 scared the poop outta me.
  5. K

    Phone swap

    Ya im not exactly sure, but I heard you have to pay more a month if you have the iphone. At least with AT&T, when you buy the phone. Not exactly sure though. I have a blackberry for AT&T and it is def a bummer not being able to use wifi on my campus.
  6. K

    Legality of a 17 year old getting into T-Mo w/ a Contract

    Ya you have to be 18 to sign a contract with a major cell phone provider. I would just suggest getting a prepaid card, having a parent/guardian help you, or finding a friend than will let you on their contract.