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    ASUS Rampage Formula @ [H]

    Assuming the new ATI R700 (aka 4870X2) is a single slot card, this board should be able to run two of these in CrossfireX, correct?
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    CrossfireX mobo suggestion?

    Definitely not looking for a PCI-E 1.1 board, as it's just a waste. As for the RAM, I was looking up DDR3 and it seems like it is much more expensive for small, if any, performance increase. I think in a year or so DDR3 chips will be much faster, but for right now, do you think its worth it...
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    CrossfireX mobo suggestion?

    I am in the process of getting together the parts to do my first build, and I am stuck on which motherboard to get. I am getting an ATI HD4850 now, but in 2-3 months when the HD4870x2 is out, I plan on getting that. Also, eventually I plan to CF two HD4870x2's, which is why I would need a...
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    Help with basic 280 and 4870 information

    For the money you want to spend, 4870 is definitely the card for you. It isn't as fast as a GTX280, but it's also less than half the price. However, dollar for dollar, the 4870 is much more of a good buy than a GTX280 -- in other words, although the GTX280 costs about 120% more than a 4870, you...
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    Help with my first build

    That's some great info. Thanks for the confirmation of the PCI-E 2. I've read a lot about nvidia motherboard instabilities as well, so this definitely makes it a lot clearer. I guess I'll have to go with a 750i if I want to SLi, despite the instabilities. Also, after just seeing the first...
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    First 4870 review on the web

    Does anyone know if any ATI manufacturer (MSI, Gigabyte, Sapphire, etc) offers a step-up program like EVGA and BFG? I'm thinking of buying a 4870 now and stepping up to a R700 in 2-3 months.
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    Help with my first build

    Is there any difference, SLi-wise, between a 750i and a P45? Would I be able to SLi two GTX280 on a P45?
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    Help with my first build

    Yes I am :) I was looking at the 780i but I'm hearing a lot of reports of instability? Or maybe that's the 790i? Either way, which would you go for: 780i or 750i? Thanks! That PSU definitely saves some money. Good stuff. I have a 24" widescreen dell monitor. And yea I wasn't thinking of DDR3...
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    Help with my first build

    My brother works at Intel and so was able to get me a QX9650 for free. Based on this, I decided to build a new computer! Here's the current components I have selected: CASE: Thermaltake Armor+ VH6000BWS - $200 PSU: Thermaltake W0116RU 750Watt - $170 CPU: Intel QX9650 Core 2 Extreme - FREE...