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  1. C

    P5K-V to P5Q-EM

    i usually dont do this but... bump. Could a mod perhaps move this into the intel mobos section there seems to be alot more activity in there. Thanks.
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    P5K-V to P5Q-EM

    Hello, Ive changed from a full atx motherboard to a micro atx board, does anyone know if my linux/windows dual boot will still work on the new mobo without reinstalling? What determines if windows will work on different hardware? Thanks, Chris.
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    Downclocking while prime 95

    Is there a reason why a Q6600 would downclock the multiplier while running p95? Is this the TM kicking in? Ive only oc'ed 600mhz and the temps dont go above 44C.
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    Cant OC Q6600 3Ghz Water cooled (Pics Inside)

    looks like ive managed to get a stable overclock at 3.0ghz. Although the cpu voltage is at 1.35V. I also managed to get a stable 3.2 although that was 1.4875V and i thought it was a bit too much voltage for 200mhz. Im gonna try 2 get it stable at lower voltages, maybe by adjusting the GTL...
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    Cant OC Q6600 3Ghz Water cooled (Pics Inside)

    thanks for the replys, the fsb was set to 330 cos i just tryed lowering it a tiny bit to see if that helped. The vid is 1.2500V. I tryed upto 1.4V to see if it was stable and it wasnt. Im gonna try the above suggestions now, ill let youse know what happens.
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    Cant OC Q6600 3Ghz Water cooled (Pics Inside)

    Hi Everyone, Im having a problem overclocking my Q6600 SLACR on water, its the only thing in the loop, temps are high teens/low twentys on idle. I can get windows to boot correctly although prime 95 dosnt last 10 mins without the whole program crashing. Specs Q6600 SLACR P5K Vanilla...
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    Making Distilled water

    I live in belfast and they dont have any :(. I just couldnt be bothered waiting for delivery.
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    Making Distilled water

    How pure does the distilled water need to be for water cooling? Is it worth making it yourself? I was planning on using a big pot with the lid upside down and collecting distilled water in a floating bowl. The only impuritys will be from the lid of the pot, the bowl and the container im...
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    How good is the Zalman Reserator1 v2

    i dont usually do this but.... bump
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    How good is the Zalman Reserator1 v2

    Im looking to make my system more quiet with a moderate overclock of Q6600 --> 3ghz 2900 Pro --> XT Would the reserator provide sufficient water cooling for my CPU & GPU or should i build my own system? What would be the difference in temps between a reserator and one build myself for...
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    Best of these 2

    Surly people who 'know about monitors' will be able to tell me which is the best by looking at the features...
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    Best of these 2

    Hello, Im going to buy a new monitor, its gonna be used for Gaming & Working. I want the games to look good on it, and the screen to actually be big enuff to allow me to have multiple 'work' apps open and viewable at once. Ive narrowed it down to 2: Monitor (1) 22" - Viewable Area: 22”...
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    5600Ultra!!! and overscan :(

    Nevermind got it workin, the drivers for xp work fine, when i had vista installed it wouldnt work.
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    5600Ultra!!! and overscan :(

    Hi, Im attempting to make a kinda media center with old pc parts i have lieing about my house. I have a PCI 9200SE and a AGP 5600Ultra, ive made the 'media center' using the 5600Ultra. When i connect it to my HTDV (via DVI --> HDMI [tv has no VGA]) there is alot of overscan. Im using the...
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    Cable internet with ADSL Model

    My girlfriend mistakenly bought a ADSL Wirless Modem Router to use with her cable internet (girls and computers, sigh). It has 4 ethernet connections and the phone cable connection. As far as i know its not possible to get an ADSL router to work with Cable broadband, just wanted to make sure...
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    Solaris 9 environment variables

    I found out what the problem was, in my .tcshrc i was doing setenv JAVA_HOME=/home/...... etc The problem was the = sign, it should have been setenv JAVA_HOME /home/...... etc
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    Solaris 9 environment variables

    Hi, Im having some trouble setting environement variables in solaris 9. Im using tcsh, when i log in some environment variables are already set, such as JAVA_HOME. I created a new JAVA_HOME inside .tcshrc, when i restart the session the new JAVA_HOME is picked up but the path has a = after...