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    Need help upgrading from Sennheiser HD555

    Check out the sennheiser HD650. They are top of the line ... with superb sound.
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    For non-overclockers, what is the difference between chipsets?

    Nice post Danny Bui ! Thanks for the info :)
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    Quad core really any better?

    having used nothing but a single-core chip since I got into a PC ... mainly ... I ran one app at a time ... was really the best way. but now I have a quad-core... and have totally changed my computer usage. several apps running @ the same time ... and can burn off a CD whenever I need...
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    OCZ vs. G.Skill (models inside)

    my G.Skill has been very nice to me :)
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    DFI motherboards

    my new current system is based on the DFI board. I'm only running my quad @ stock speed. There are plenty of connection options. Using the 'shipped' bios ... fired up the first time ... and has basically been flawless. I'm very pleased. Down the road I may do a bit of OC'ing ... but...
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    Should I get a quad core?

    what about the OP's cpu cooling ??? If he has a 'stock' cooler ... can [or should] he still OC ???
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    DFI Lanparty DK X38-T2RB boot failure

    Just curious ... why are you not using an internal SATA drive ?
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    DFI Lanparty DK X38-T2RB boot failure

    mmmm ... Not sure I have an answer for you ... but IDE Master: 80gb western digital 7200 rpm Have you verified the jumper setting on the HD? On my system, I'm booting from a SATA drive. When I plugged in my old IDE drive [to pull data off to the new system], the computer would...
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    Do i need a CPU cooler?

    I'm running my Q9450 with the stock fan non-OC'd. CPU Temp ~34c
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    Mobo choice for a Q9450

    I went with the DFI board for my Q9450. I've not had it long ... but it has been flawless. It has the Intel chipsets. Plugged in all the stuff, fired up the first time. Just running stock.
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    transfering data from one pc to another?

    Windows does come with a 'File&Setting' transfer program that will handle things like email accounts, desktop layout, My Documents etc.
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    Q9450 motherboard

    I'm very happy with my new board ! :)
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Hi EnderW, Sure appreciate the link ... looks interesting. At the moment, I've been knee-deep installing printer, scanner, tablet, etc. Also a pile of software and plug-ins are going on. I'm still waiting for my new audio card to come in. As for the new system ... everything has...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    The new workstation is up & running. Got the wireless network in. Everything seems to be running smooth :) Now to begin the app installation process. Just wanted to give a BIG THANKS AGAIN for everyone help & guidance !! Sincerely.
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Yeah ... I know ... down right blasphemy. :eek: I needed to be sure that I could put a rig together, and get it stable @ stock. Still have 2 more HD to install. Had a 'snag' with my wireless PCI card ... DOA. Had to do a local retail run. After the 3rd store I ended up getting...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Hi GANG! Just to report back ... The Q9450 workstation has been assembled and Win XP-Pro [32] installed and running! :) That's all I had time to do today ... tomorrow, the wireless card gets installed & then getting it hooked to the net for updates. I stayed with the stock cooling...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Hi Guys! Well, the 1st shipment arrived this afternoon. All the 'inner guts' parts. Tomarrow the case should be delivered ... I hope! I started installing the pieces that I could ... the Northbridge cooler, the Q9650 & stock fan, and then the 2 sticks of RAM. That's about all I could...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Thanks for the links jupitersj That guy is a character :) mmm ... stuff should start arriving Monday. Trying to get my stuff in order prior to the build ... :)
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Hope I don't have to mod the internals with the 1010 model ... the PSU I ordered did not seem overly large. Seems like we got our chip about the same time! Hope your build went well ! Tomarrow I'm gonna try again to track down a CPU cooler ... would sure like to have one at the start...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    About 2 weeks ago I lucked out with Tiger Direct. They had a good price for the retail version ... thought I'd try to again, sure 'nuff ... they shipped in 3 days :D HeatSink ... yeah ... after all the comparing & changes ... I was thinking of getting one for the last brain cell. I just...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Just wanted to extent a BIG THANK-YOU to all that helped me with the new build. The order went in early this morning. :D Here's how we ended up: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIAN LI PC-V1010A Silver...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Hi vanilla_guerilla ! wondering ... with the 'pin-hole' case design ... what kinda NOISE floor are you dealing with. It would seem that internal sounds would leak out! My case is gonna be sitting on my desk next to the monitor ... I spoiled on Lian-Li ... and want a mid-tower that can...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    "I don't understand the need for a PCI wireless NIC " This workstation needs to access the net. I currently have a Belkin Wireless router, so I've been using the PCI antenna card ... was gonna use that for the new build. The PSU concern was more to do whether modular or not. If I end up...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    ok ... getting to the Final-Build List !! here's where I'm at: Q9450 - Final Build List Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450 Yorkfield 2.66GHz 12MB L2 Cache LGA 775 95W Quad-Core Processor - Retail DFI LP LT X38-T2R LGA 775 Intel...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    That is great news Valnar ! Thanks for the update on that :) ... one less issue to deal with.
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Still looking to see if the X38 board will recognize the Q9450 [in the bios] on 1st boot. Talk with the guitar player in our band, and he might be able to get ne a 'loaner' just in case. I need to assemble the final list for ordering ... I want to start building :)
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Ahh ... I see what your saying re: PCI slots. I might want to add something like a UAD - dsp card to this system down the road. Looks like the 'sight' goes back to the X38 board you suggested. Hey ... BIG question ??? I'm thinking of going to NewEgg for this purchase ... but here is...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Thanks for replying 'guys' ... and for explaining what 'those' ports are for. It seems that I would not have a need for them. No plan to go to a RAID set-up. I do need a WIFI connect for this new system. I thought I'd use a PCI slot for the antenna. I did see a 'new' WIFI connect that uses...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    still needing advice on previous message. THANKS! :)
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Hi Valnar If you're still here ... just a comparison check if I could get insight on. I'm liking those DFI mb you suggested ... was wondering about this model: DFI LP LT P35 T2R LGA 775 Intel P35 Intel Motherboard - Retail...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    "a door you had to open to access the cd drives." I definite don't like that idea ... I've seen that model on their site. It's disappointing to hear something like that. :| I know cases are a very personal choice, and I've not really been exposed to many other cases that have the look...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    ... just curious ... What case was that RamonGTP ??? I have a PC7 LL with my current system now, and it is quite subdue w/stock fans. I'm curious, because I need a case for the new build and considered Lian-Li for that ... only I need more than 4 harddrive spaces. Was thinking PC-68 ??
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    It's looking more&more like the DFI Lanparty LT X38-T2R [as suggested]. I'm not crazy 'bout the price ... but as we know ... ya get what ya pay. Not only that ... I'm getting tired from all the research [but its kinda fun]...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Hi Valnar, again .. big thanks for those Giga links ... still following the discussion .. seems 'some' progress being made ... I'm reading up on your DFI board suggestions. In so doing, it appears to be a hi-quality one that does indeed have the component layout. But the BIG questions...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Hi Valnar, Man ... THANKS for the heads-up on this! First I had heard of this issue. From a quick read, it seems Giga may have a special BIOS fix, but I definitely need to read up more about this important issue. This is what is so great about this forum, and the people. going off...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Well .. we'll keep it here then :) starting over from the X38 consideration If going with the: GIGABYTE GA-EP35-DS4 LGA 775 Intel P35 ATX Dynamic Energy Saver Ultra Durable II Intel Motherboard - Retail so obviously ... da...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Where should I post further questions, with regards to MEMORY, etc ??? Should I just go to the various sections and post my inquires there ??? Again ... thanks for all the help ... sure want to get this order in as soo as I can.
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Hi RamonGTP, Yea ... this build is for a pro audio workstation .. so internal [on-board] SC cannot be used. It's NOT that they may sound good or bad ... the software I use won't allow.
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Thanks to both of you .............. and the rest of the GANG! :) I'll probably go with the: GIGABYTE GA-EP35-DS4 LGA 775 Intel P35 ATX Dynamic Energy Saver Ultra Durable II Intel Motherboard - Retail seems to have most...
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    new Q9450 - need advise on MB

    Thanks for the clarification RamonGTP. Since I won't be doing crossfire, etc [just a good single video card] ... I'll focus on one of the Gigabyte P35 boards. It's crazy with Giga's numbering system :| Would sure like to find a top board that has 6-8 SATA's, Firewire, and 3 PCI slots...