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  1. S

    BenQ G2400W

    you are very lucky...i would be very happy to have just that I am at brightness 50 already and mine is still way worse than what you have at 100...on top of all i get flicker through out the whole screen on this new exchange now....
  2. S

    BenQ G2400W

    you are right, yours doesn't have it. Lucky you! I just got another one, last one was Sept 2007 build, this time a Feb 2008 build. I have it again!!!! Ugh!!! Simply disgusting. I have no idea what to do with it now. To return it would get hit with restocking fee. I don't want to...
  3. S

    BenQ G2400W

    ya, exactly as he described. I think i would send it back too now. It is truly a shame for what would otherwise be a perfect monitor, even for TN. The noise is simply too annoying for anything at 1080p. I would like to change my comment at first. It actually shows up BOTH top and bottom...
  4. S

    BenQ G2400W

    no body knows about the flicker problem?
  5. S

    BenQ G2400W

    this is the flicker on the PS3 at 1080P mode does anyone has this problem? it would show up at bottom black bar when the screen is at 1:1 or aspect mode the same problem would...
  6. S

    BenQ G2400W

    I have a different flicker. The flicker occurs when I am at 1080P and it flickers on the bottom black bar. It really frustrates b/c i watch blu-ray movie on this monitor in my own room, and the thing just keep flicking at the bottom black bar and it is quite noticeable. I read online it...